The Killing Tree (2022)
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

Yes, I knew going in that this was gonna be deliberately silly and cheesy like many a goofy holiday horror-comedies I’ve laughed with (Jack Frost 1 and 2, and Thankskilling immediately come to mind first).
I knew there’d be endearingly awful CGI and crazy kills.
I also knew we’d see insipid characters doing nonsensical things and getting whacked.
All this was predicted and expected; I went in to have a few laughs seeing a flick that was new to me.

What I didn’t know was that the sound dept. was so untalented that whole scenes were full of garbled, mumbled, Cockney-urchin speech often drowned out by noise passing for music. Replaying bits didn’t help much - the sound was just BAD. The tree did best with that.