Poker Face (2023)
YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

I’m liking this. Episode 1 introduces an unusual character, fleshes her out a bit, and gives us some intriguing basics outlining her special skills. Yes, Charlie is a bit over the top in some ways, but she’s fun, and quite perceptive and plainspoken. Prior to reading much info, I assumed this was going to be a show with standalone episodes, in the vein of “Mysteries of Laura” from a few years ago, but I was wrong; this will be a saga that unfolds from the starting premise (and the initial crime) which apparently will play a big part in all her future adventures. I know little to nothing about this actress, but she seems very assured in this role so I’m looking forward to more.

grasshopper rex 7 points 1 year ago.

I recommend you watch her in this show which she helped write and produce.