Condor's Nest (2023)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Very little of fun here. I like Vosloo, Davison, and Ironside, but this film didn’t do much for their bodies of work. Ironside in particular was woefully underused. I’m accustomed to some major-league badassery from him! Not a lot of that here, and he looked pretty tired. And Davison, with the accent LOL no, just no. “Himmler” hammed it up well enough—-but frankly, he’d have been a lot more fun in one of those Zombie-Nazis-on-the-moon-and-with-sharks movies. Saban Films churns out grade-B and C movies kind of like Asylum does—-but Asylum stuff can at least be funny. Unfortunately, this picture was actually trying for some gravitas.

I stuck with this to the end, but it wasn’t easy.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Ahhh,that’s too bad. I was giving this a bit of consideration, actually, based on the fact that Ironside was in it, and always kind of liked him. Especially liked him in ‘V’, he did a great job in that. Trailer looked pretty good too, but then, they are supposed to, aren’t they?

Anyway, I just don’t have the time anymore to watch as much as I used to, and even though I have a bunch of stuff backed up movie wise, I’ll never watch all of it, should try and take some time here and there and cull most of it. Just keep the few I would actually like to get to at some point.

Going to take your word that this would not be worth the time, you have never led me wrong in the past, so trusting your judgment once again. Thanks for the heads up kiddo!😉