The Blacklist (2013) S10 E22
greenguy86 2 points 10 months ago.

I think what happened is somebody had a hairbrained idea and they ran with it. James Spader did a phenomenal job but I think he was ready to move on. I think after season 8 we weren’t going to get the resolution we wanted.

greyfur 2 points 10 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah, that does seem to be the way of it a lot of the time, just like the way they ended the last season of Dexter, really hated that, then they I am told ended the other one rather badly, I was watching that but never did watch the last 2 episodes, I was warned that they really messed that up, and that the ending would right tick me off, so I took the hint and to this day I never bothered to watch the ending. Figured I would leave off where I was and call it a fond memory.

Spader was excellent in this, and Reddington most certainly deserved much better then what he got in the end…