Dark Winds (2022)
greyfur 2 points 8 months ago.

I have never watched Reservation Dogs, though I have considered it, it looks good, and a lot of people seem to like it. Actually just added a couple things to my list recently, and now and again I wind up adding a movie to my ‘plan to watch’ list, though I rarely ever get to sit down and watch a whole movie anymore, unless it’s something really good that I have been waiting for anymore. Just find that I don’t have the time anymore…

I have a lot of things on my plate at the moment that I am trying to accomplish at the moment, and some possible medical stuff (AGAIN!!!) that’s staring me in the face, so I guess that’s the price of outliving ones enemies….

Was giving some thought of trying once again of culling some stuff from the herd again, but thinking with the actor/writers strike, I might just hang onto what I have as we might not get a lot of new stuff for a while, and I can always backtrack and watch stuff as I get the chance, a little bit here and there, and maybe as I get the change a bit of a binge here and there.

Recently I have had the chance to give myself the time to binge a couple things that I thought were right good, and watch a couple shows as they came out, like ‘Warrior’, which was really well done, and never disappointed, but am going to have to buckle down now on some other things for a bit. Shows will still be here when I’m ready for them. Will go mark Reservation Dogs and give that a chance when I get the chance.

I remember there was one show, can’t remember the name of it, was all Native American, really liked it, but only got one season, got killed off as one of the people behind it got nailed for lying about her heritage I believe, and that get the show cancelled. Thought that was a really bad reason to screw everybody else in the production as everybody else did such a great job. Was a great show, and had a lot of potential.

Native American actors never have really been given the chance to get the opportunity to show just how good they can be at acting, or really show their stuff until recently, and truth be told, they can show some interesting stuff when given the right things to work with, and a bit of funding. Too bad this couldn’t have happened a little sooner.

greenguy86 2 points 8 months ago.

If you were already on the fence with this show, I wouldn’t recommend Reservation dogs. It’s largely not about anything in particular. It can be funny/interesting but you really have to be into it.