Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler (2019) S1 E7
Canuckian 2 points 4 years ago.

yeah, other than knowing that Alfred had a military background, that is pretty much all the info there is on his background (unless it was covered in an old comic, i don’t know)..i like to think that THIS Alfred is very similar to the Alfred we got in the TV show GOTHAM…this Alfred seems like a younger version of THAT Alfred (if you’ve seen the show, you should know what i mean lol) Either way, loving this show! Cheers King!

kingarco66 0 points 4 years ago*.

hey cannuk .. im a few eps on now .. it must be the early 1960s .. but did ww2 not happen ? the third reich is still there, how? and british troops and coppers are all carrying nazi guns, are they exporting to britain ? did superman and wonder woman prevent ww2 from starting ? did the nazis decide fighting them was just a stupid idea to start with ? .. this whole reality is very odd, i reeeealy hope it gets explained later on