Cold Meat (2024)
Steppenwolf71 2 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is definitely a new favorite for me. And that’s saying something. Especially, for a flick with such non-existent budget demands. Masterfully done. The only other flick it reminds me of, is the Dan Akroyd, re-make version… of “The Twilight-Zone” movie. The “Werewolf” part of the story. I think it’s the last story. “Hey… you wanna see something, reeeeally scaaaary?” Lol! I need to watch that now.
I give this a 10/10 ✨rating. The biggest part of the budget, must’ve went to the main actor and actress. I wouldn’t even be surprised, if this started as someone’s thesis film. You like a good “underdog vs. The Nemesis” flick? This IS it.

SheWatches 1 points 1 month ago*.

I remember that quote from the Twilight Zone movie LoL. The movie didn’t knock me over as an epic movie or anything but I enjoyed watching it and I have to agree that for such a good movie they sure did keep it in the budget without sacrificing a good production. It was well done. Just wanted to add that if you liked this one, you might like another that would remind you of one of the Twilight Zone movies - it’s called Romi.