Neanderthal Apocalypse (2017) S1 E2
nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago.

That’s what I’m saying. The volcano isn’t the only theory as to what killed them all. Another theory that ins’t explored much is that they had inferior immune systems. A third theory is that humans had domesticated wolves and Neanderthals hadn’t. This would have provided extra meat, more protection for the clan, and an ability for single mothers to provide food for nursing babies (wolves hunt while she stays in the cave). Wolves also engage in coprophagia which means humans weren’t living in their own filth, and Neanderthals were. The volcanic eruption could have just been a coincidence, contributing factor, or had no effect. It’s one sided on the debate.

kingarco66 -2 points 4 years ago.

well they were talkin a 2 meter layer or something .. and it seems on date .. if they are right (and it sounds right) then that would kill em all
Also, neanderthals did fine for 250k years despite all these other factors, barring contact with us
The idea that they could beat us in battle because of close combat seems absurd .. if we move faster, and could travel farther, and have superior ranged weapons, thats game over no matter how strong they were