Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
Euringer -3 points 4 years ago.

Saying Alan Moore despises this series is ignoring context, or perhaps being ignorant of context. Alan Moore wants nothing to do with Watchmen, in comic, movie or tv form - it has nothing to do with the content.

It’s also clear that regardless of what subjective things we can disagree on, you maybe don’t understand the material facts of the matter at the end of Watchmen. Rorschach had already mailed his journal with his suspicions to newspapers, Veidt had already enacted his plan. Rorschach had no decision to make on “killing millions of people” - his decision was to attempt to live in Veidt’s new world order, actively helping make it better, to live in it as he was living (as a toxic avenger, as Moore has stated multiple times - a parody of The Question and Mr A, read up on it) OR to be a coward and commit suicide. He choose the cowardly route, not the heroic route, and he never had a say in those millions of deaths.

SgtPancake -3 points 4 years ago.

Lmao, you’re putting words into my mouth and completely ignoring what I actually wrote. I never once stated that Rorschach was right or that I agree with him completely.

I also never said Rorschach had made any decisions himself. I said “willing to die rather than ACCEPT Ozymandias’ decision”.

He also didn’t agree to just die. He said to Dr Manhattan to kill him OTHERWISE he would not be able to keep the secret as Ozymandias had failed in convincing him to do so.

“Actively make it better” after millions died against a made up enemy? Dr Manhattan was never against the world. The only coward I see is Veidt who instead of opting for a slow and methodical approach to making the world better, decided to cause mass genocide like it was some game where you could press the reset button whenever you so chose.

The one who took active measures to improving lives was Rorschach. Yes, his methods were extreme and they could absolutely be improved upon (I’m not out of my mind) but how many lives did he save? Far more than Ozymandias did as he actually destroyed millions of INNOCENTS! Or did that escape your notice?

Furthermore, Rorschach was never about race. He was about the corruption of power and politics. His was the answer to how far was too far in the pursuit of justice. Yet what did the writers of the show do? They made it about race. Ignoring the fact that within the continuation of the Watchmen comics the second Rorschach is actually black.

I had no idea that Gibbons said Rorschach was like Hitler. What the fuck? Was that guy high when he worked on Watchmen or what? Rorschach is more like the Grim Knight from the Dark Multiverse if anything.