The Rookie (2018) S2 E8
Canuckian 2 points 4 years ago.

Ok, I honestly don’t think your comment could sound more arrogant you bloody Moonfruit.. thank you for the redundant history lesson that I am WELL aware of and for downvoting my comment and the replies to my comment..I pointed it out because it was LITERALLY shot like a commercial hence the SARCASTIC comparison i made. I suggest you go to a children’s chatroom and educate them, ok? I REALLY hate people that try and come across as “I-know-it-all-and-you-know-nothing” types or those who feel the need to spout random WELL-KNOWN facts and act like they know more than you. Please, take it elsewhere. Oh, and for the record, if you hadn’t arrogantly downvoted all our comments along with your reply, you would probably have gotten a much different response from me. Downvoting all of us shows that you are arrogant and that you feel we didn’t know this so our observations were made moot. If you weren’t able to catch on to the sarcastic edge to my original comment, well, i don’t know…guess i can’t help you there. I would refrain in the future from going on to a MOVIE site and educating fellow MOVIE-LOVERS about the “History” of television and visual media, k?

Jhigh03 -1 points 4 years ago.

Daaaaaaamn. get um tiger,lol. who said Canadians dont have any fight in them.