Hempsters: Plant the Seed (2010)
Green 1 points 5 years ago.

indeed, those who are searching for a pure strain can stop looking. its always been that if a plant can grow faster, shorter, heavier, and frostier than its siblings, then it will often be the plant that gets seeded for the next crop.. in turn this will weed out (pun intended) other phenos to the point that a trait is lost, and unfortunately this has been happening thru the ages. There really is no such thing as a pure indica or sativa, and even afghanistan is known for their “indica giants” which really blurs the lines even more.

finigan1 0 points 5 years ago.

Its like that with everything,breeding stock.You always have your best horses,bulls etc as breeders,so why is it any different with plants.Breeding the best you have to insure the next generation.It doesn’t change anything of the plant it is the same as it always was,it just makes it in time the best it can be.A quote from Bob Marley,”Lambsbreathe is when you have a field and one plant is far better than the rest!” You can look it up in hightimes. That is what you want to be planting next season.