Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
booger 3 points 4 years ago.

I remember my dad taking me my brother and our neighbor erin to see this when we were kids.
Our small town did not have an indoor theater with air-con and a high fidelity sound system or the preferred projector and screen this movie was meant to be shown on.
What our town did have was 2 loving fathers and a Drive-in theater.
Those 2 men worked with the owners and came up with a solution.
Problem: how to let 3 kids aged 9-3 enjoy this extremely popular movie in the best way possible?
Solution: Wait until the fervor dies down and bring in the kiddies.
Reality: The American Drive-in was/is an very chaotic place. You had row after row of cars/trucks filled with adults on dates or teenagers on dates or whole families complete with adults to screaming infants and of course you had the projector building that also housed the snack-bar with several rows of seats out front where people who did not want the younger children in the car with them sent them to be.
So our dads got together with the owner (I found this out decades later) and the rest (for the most part) of my first grade class parents (the owner had a kid in my class) to give us a little alone time to fully enjoy the movie.
So many months after it came out and just after I started the 2nd grade my father took all of us to a near empty Drive-in (except for about 20 other cars) and hooked us up!
We had couch cushions and blankets and pillows galore! A cooler full of sodas and pop-corn and nachos from the snack-bar as well as the excellent sound system our dads had rigged up (there was a low power broadcasting station within the snackbar/projector building)(I added this to let the unknowledgeable in on the fact that this setup was pretty much standard for drive-ins by the 70’s) of several speakers placed around the bed of the pickup we were in.
With its extremely large screen and the jury rigged sound system we were able to watch this film without any interruptions and we all came away with a sense of awe.