The Orville (2017)
sceptresony 3 points 5 years ago.

You’re both entitled to your entirely incorrect opinions.

This is Star Trek, the original series. This is contemporary issues dealt with in a very thinly veiled science fiction setting. Go back and watch some of the original series episodes like “Let This Be Your Last Battlefield” if you doubt me. It’s updated to a somewhat more contemporary style and the issues of course are different, but the technique and execution are the same.

And, sorry, ALL shows, ALL stories are about relationships. If you don’t understand that you don’t really have any business commenting on programs.

RoboPhone 4 points 5 years ago.

You are all well entitled to your own opinion, but this forum is not about name calling and devaluing another’s right of expression.

All, Please keep it friendly and respective of that. Primewire created this free site for people to watch programs and enjoy one another’s company. If you disagree with someone’s opinion you can politely do so or take it to a Private Message (PM).

Thank You all!