The Lodge (2020)
nowt -1 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Strawman, followed by plurium interrogationum based upon that strawman; then a definitional failing concerning how direction and acting were not addressed, with a bit of Bulverism; more Bulverism and another failing concerning definition, this one about what constitutes merit; and to this point you’ve managed to compose a dense circulus in demonstrando. The appeal to emotion [funny thing] followed by the psychologist’s fallacy with the end note return to yet more Bulverism, is like shit icing on a shitcake.

Might’ve been better to’ve said that horror lends itself to psychological torture as a genre, but alas: There wouldn’t’ve been as much excuse to publicly dismiss whatever projected hobgoblin made of wtf your understanding is of feminism with that. Better luck next.

somniloquist 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Horror absolutely lends itself to psychological torture as a genre. As does the role of being a female in our society. But, as we all know from the esteemed Mr Monkey’s comments above, that motif SURELY has nothing to do with this film’s “merit.” There’s just no way that that could be one of its central themes. I mean just look at the atmosphere, acting, and direction.
And certainly you wouldn’t be the kind of modern man to think me, a little lady, to expect to hold any kind of equality or standing (certainly not intellectually). That would…what was it…steal my valor if you in any way acknowledge the existence and function of a patriarchy.

Oh lordy.