Rebecka Martinsson (2017)
YgraineDance 1 points 5 years ago*.

Could I ask a question of someone here who is of Scandinavian heritage and/or speaks a northern language? My question is, Why is she not called Rebecka Martinsdottir? I notice in some of the shows I view from Scandi countries, -son ends male names, while -dottir (daughter) ends female ones. Not sure if this is only done in Iceland, or if it’s elsewhere as well. I watch a lot of stuff; this particular show is Swedish….

Incessant Chatter 1 points 4 years ago.

I’m not scandinavian but my understanding is that Icelanders tend to still use the patronymic naming system in the same way the entire Norse culture originally did. The rest of the Scandinavian countries use “surnames” like most of the rest of western countries. Many Scandinavian surnames are derived from the old patronymical names, usually in the masculine form of -son or -sen.