The Battle of Jangsari (2019)
Canuckian -3 points 4 years ago.

You know your career is dying fast when you go from Hollywood blockbusters to Korean movies Produced by Korean movie companies…not to say that Korean movies are bad mind you, i can think of a few that are just amazing (Train to Busan…if you love Zombie flicks, you HAVE to watch that movie, one of the best Z flicks i’ve ever seen!) but when you are an American actor/actress who went from making big budget Hollywierd movies to movies made in Korea, you know your fizzling out…not that she could ever act anyways lol…ah well..RIP Megan were pretty damn fine before the plastic should have left your face alone lol

SethMythrax 1 points 4 years ago*.

I thought Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War was a good Korean war movie……

When two brothers are forced to fight in the Korean War, the elder decides to take the riskiest missions if it will help shield the younger from battle.