The Conners (2018)
Psychorcer6 6 points 3 years ago.

What’s with the copy/paste comments? Reality is, this show isn’t funny and it’s on air because it’s “whats right” for the channel, I mean we have, an undocumented, a gay person and of course everything that the left supports. Political correctness isn’t funny. Shows should be about entertainment without bringing out politics.

dallas_j 5 points 3 years ago.

Funny is subjective. Some find it funny, some don’t. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. What’s “right” is socially constructed, and can be socially deconstructed. Ideas of right and wrong are social constructs, constantly evolving throughout history. Did you know that 50% of cultures around the world think it’s disgusting to kiss someone on the mouth? They think it’s “wrong” for us to kiss each other on the mouth. Right and wrong are subjective, relative, and socially/culturally constructed. There’s nothing wrong with being gay. It’s natural. No human is illegal. Humans are humans. We should all have the right to travel anywhere in the world, with the exceptions of convicted violent criminals and the contagiously ill. Nationalism is a disease. We are not Caucasian Christian Americans, Latino Catholic Mexicans, or Middle Eastern Muslim Arabs. Rather, we are all Homo sapien, EARTHLINGS. All of life is political. We shouldn’t try to avoid politics, we should all be more involved in politics.