JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick (2014)
Johnny2Stripes 1 points 3 years ago*.

I was aware you hadn’t watched it, you commented within minutes of it being uploaded.

nowt 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Scanned about a fifth of it, with some jumping thru for random sampling. Not much high school gym teacher Conolly was adding to the historical record except for triggering paranoids with a mixtape of the sui generis 20th c. white supremacist and Ameri-nationalist faves set to audiovisual sensory flood, which -reading- the script limits, laying bare that it’s essentially a delusional blogpost by some near-subliterate [despite his having taught high school English in England for some scant years [that must’ve gone well]].

One doesn’t really have to edge upon a dildo of petrified Viking poo for three and half hours to kinda immediately grasp that it’s not worth digesting. But whatever. ‘Poetry’ was being kind.

Don’t forget to delete and repeat!