The Case Against Adnan Syed (2019)
ckgranger 2 points 5 years ago*.

you really wont get the same impact of this unless you have listened to at least serial, let alone the other related podcasts. this is not like making a murderer – it’s not dramatically setting up a story and evidence for you. it’s really more like supplemental information to what you should already know when you begin watching it.i thought it was very interesting. i know lots of very cut and dry info about this case, so much so that sometimes you forget it’s real people. i loved that this focused on bringing hae to life in some way, shape, or form, so that her narrative is told as well. there were 2 or 3 things in this episode that i did not know, that were new info. so if you know the case, i recommend watching. if you have no idea who these people are…do yourself a favor and listen to serial (podcast online) first because you won’t mix up the people and quick references to evidence that way. and if you are REALLY into detail and legal stuff, listen to undisclosed for better info

starshineontop 1 points 5 years ago.

Or just wait for the movie .