The Walking Dead (2010) S9 E15
8STORY8 2 points 5 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Dang, I thought maybe Alpha was wearing that woman from Hilltop that we see in the opening scene’s hair, but re-watched and Confirmed but not only her hair her whole outfit, dress and hat.

Moreover, I like this new movement in the story telling, of not coming together to fight a common enemy like they did with the Savior, but for the common good, for hope, for bonds, for movies! Neat how Siddiq says this is the story he wants to tell and this is the story of this time in the Walking Dead story. Will they or won’t they? Will it be the spirit of Rick and Carl’s hope or will it be one of revenge and payback for the wound that this act creates? Ah, the Walking Dead themes are so relevant for our collective and personal stories. Eeeh, looking forward to watching Talking Dead as soon as I see it’s posted.