Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S3 E1
greyfur 1 points 3 years ago.

Whine, whine, whine, cry, cry, cry, if it’s that bad, then stop watching, which it’s it’s not, but please, for the love of God, could you please just stop boring the crap out of the rest out of the rest of us by taking up space with your whining about how much you don’t like the show and just move on to another one you might like better?

Honestly, people getting on these threads just to whine about how they are so upset about something is getting old, really, and we are not here to be your therapists. Get a grip and move on already…

etim 4 points 3 years ago.

Really! If people miss the old Star Trek so much, go watch reruns.
This 1st ep of the season was fantastic— I hope the season can keep up all the excitement and new ideas.