Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
Bkr2110 -3 points 3 years ago*.

It is fashionable for citizens of the world to trash on America (even people of all skin colors, races and religions receiving huge subsidies we could use for our own people) and we are far from perfect. Yet it is America and Americans, these self-centered folks you despise and would like to forget exist, who consistently rank as the most generous and charitable people in the world. Where else do you hear of something such as an American dream? Where else do people try to break-in in such large numbers risking their lives to do so? Who would want to be around such horrible people?

Criticism is fine and when Americans criticize their own country it is absolutely patriotic as well but it would be nice if citizens of the world would thank America and Americans more often for their generosity and big heart. Canada, a nice place with nice people, a place I wouldn’t mind living, doesn’t crack the top 5 in generosity by the way.

Your present leader, Trudeau, who has worn blackface before, doesn’t come across as racially insensitive in other ways but there are reports of corruption and abuse like anywhere else. As you know, he created a job losing economy right away with his brilliant ideas. Canada was in the hole while we and much of the world prospered before this mess. We welcomed Canadians with open arms as they sought a better life in this land that is always run by “morons” when their brilliant leaders couldn’t provide enough for them. Personally, I have been all over the world and there is no place I would rather be. Hopefully, everyone else on here is equally as happy where they are as well regardless of who gets in politically.

America is absolutely great despite its shortcomings in my opinion. Canada has elected plenty of morons themselves. What does that say about them and their nation as a whole? Not much. Canada is still great. We are not our weakest link nor are they. We fall victim to clever marketing and false promises like everyone else. Were the Germans all racist morons for electing Hitler? Of course not. With all due respect, you are using the same moral superiority hubris nonsense logic as the Reich. ie Canadians are smarter and better at their genetic core. The scary fact is it could have happened anywhere under the right conditions and historical context. I don’t judge other nations by their politicians nor do most people of any sophistication and that’s great.

finigan1 3 points 3 years ago.

I would never say Canada is perfect, far from it. But there is a very big difference between the 2 countries. First of all, you don’t have to worry about being gunned down by pretty much everyone in Canada. You won’t loose your house if someone in your family gets sick, and racist and truly bigoted people will never get into office. There are as many dislikable people everywhere for ratio as anywhere else, but americans flaunt it, it is like a badge of honor to be hubris, self centered, racist and bigoted. Not all americans of course, but the picture they created for themselves is of nothing I would ever want anything to do with.