Game of Thrones (2011) S8 E3
McShagan 0 points 5 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I am sorry but I have never been so disappointed in this show as I am now. What was the point? Why after so many thousands of year did the Night King make this move? Was it just to kill the Three Eyed Raven and if so what for? Bitter Steel was north of the wall for years If that was all he needed he could have touched him in a vision if that was all it took to break the spell. Season seven was crap as far as story goes but I was truly hoping that they would turn this thing around but apparently not. If they were going to WOW us with this final battle at least they could have made the fighting visible but they didn’t even do that. Is this what would have happened to Firefly if it had stayed on the air. I cannot believe how heart broken I am over this fucking show.

jillyr 2 points 5 years ago.

It’s never as clear in film or shows as to the reasoning behind things. You probably read the books up to the point the show got ahead of them so you will have to be patient and read the books to maybe understand why everything happened the way it did.