Sweet Tooth (2021)
ac1d 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

what is this watered down tripe cutesy storyline (bobby looks like a damn chipmunk) sweet tooth was a graphic comic and its all been watererd down - jeppard was white and violent as (READ THE ONLINE COMICS SEE FOR YA SELF ) -becky was black and a hooker jeppard sold sweet tooth to the general abbot in return for his wifes skeleton bones -why did the guy who wrote this water down his own story all the hybrids are made to look cute-scenery is great shot mostly in NZ go us again -TOO BAD STORLINE TO INTEREST ADULTS AND TOO VIOLENT FOR KIDS (imo should have been more violent like the comics) -do they even know what demographic they were targeting -GOES BACK TO READING THE 40 EPISODE GRAPHIC COMIC BOOKS online - they (netflix) failed at this it could been so much darker and dystopian and not so disneyish IMO but in saying all that the acting is good the character development is ok and they all have nice chemistry but nothing like the comics