greenguy86's comments

Breaking In (2011) S2 E13
greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This was a good show. A shame it ended.

Outer Range (2022) S2 E7
mkmikas 1 points 14 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

nahh whaaddaya talking bout cant finish on this is just the beginning.. just not right. not right.. theres gotta be more funding theres just gotta..

was thinking, perhaps this genre is like magic realism?

greenguy86 0 points 14 days ago.

It’s more like blow smoke up your butt and expect people will keep watching. At this point, they’re just stretching the story.

Walker (2021) S2 E4
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

Fantastic performances all around, excellent episode.

The Blacklist (2013) S9 E8
UGuess 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree it’s not the same, like that Blacklist niche’ is not quite there. But I don’t think it’s because of Boone. Even when she was there, rarely was it like the Blscklist that we feel in love with in the beginning seasons. Them constantly trying to make her relevant has- now become redundant and forced. Ray is the only one who should still be looking into her death

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The first couple of seasons weren’t even that good. It has improved in a lot of ways but a lot of elements have stayed the same. I’ll be honest this new plot point doesn’t even make sense. Is there a point or is it more of the same.

Better Call Saul (2015) S6 E7
dosmundos 4 points 2 years ago.

wow…I certainly didn’t expect that!

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

I think most could see that coming considering how last season ended. Though I do wonder how its all going to end. This season has had a different vibe.

Walker (2021) S2 E2
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

Another excellent episode.

Wednesday (2022)
greenguy86 0 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It did get a little predictable towards the end. There was also a lot of inconsistencies. It makes sense that Tim Burton directed the first 4 episodes, the other episodes were directed by 2 other directors. I was a little underwhelmed by Uncle Fester. Looking forward to season 2.

darklighter1 2 points 5 months ago.

EXACTLY!! No offense to Greengy86 but that was a hell of an ignorant statement. The guy still has people on Twitter going crazy about him being dumped from the role. He was perfect as Superman. Maybe you can make an argument why the movies story wise weren’t perfect but he was hardly the problem. Still think that was a colossal mistake letting him go and WB/DC’s paying the price

greenguy86 0 points 5 months ago.

I don’t care if you try offend me. Continuing being a fan. I’m generally a fan, just haven’t see anything that I can say that he’s actually good in. British actors are usually miles ahead of most big name actors.

Tom Swift (2022)
greenguy86 0 points 1 year ago.

This isn’t as bad as I made it seem previously. If they toned everything down by half, I could see it working. Unfortunately we’ll never know.

Superman & Lois (2021) S1 E11
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

At best, its average. Lots of room for improvement.

Wentworth (2013) S9 E1
UGuess 1 points 2 years ago.

QUESTION on a scale of 1-10 how good is this? What is it similar too? Never watched before

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

How many Aussie shows have you watched? I would give it a solid 8.

Black Summer (2019) S2 E8
Akrimay 1 points 1 year ago.

Will there be a season 3?

greenguy86 0 points 1 year ago.

Yes. June 2023. Long way to go but I think it will be worth it. Season 2 was very good.

De Brutas, Nada (2020) S2 E11
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

Great season finale. Looking forward to season 3.

La Brea (2021) S2 E2
greenguy86 0 points 1 year ago.

She’s been on other series. I think she is a good lead but the kids and most of the survivors are annoying.

Lioness (2023)
greenguy86 0 points 9 months ago.

Again, I find it hard that ‘A’ list actors would partake in this run of the mill show. I have no absolutely no problem with how the women are portrayed. All believable. What isn’t believable is the narrative. It all becomes cyclical and I fail to see the point as our main lead does. In typice Sherdian fashion, no actual resolution. What will the next season be like, who’s to say.

Quantum of Solace (2008)
Vman 1 points 2 years ago.

Some of my best childhood memories alight with the 007 theme tune. Well what can we say aboot this one? Fast cars, fast woman, a mysterious man, subterfuge and everything done with a touch of panache, shaken not stirred. After so many years, Bond has never aged, in fact he reflects each era. This film alone grossed something like 356 milly$, so I dont think this franchise will be going anywhere soon…V

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

Out of the Craig era, I rank it second. Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, No Time To Die, Spectre. QOS was a direct sequel(first of its kind) and it wasn’t overly drawn out. I’ve watched numerous times because I simply enjoy it.

Borderline (2016)
drmlgcc 1 points 2 years ago.

They really need to bring this show back for a 2021/22 season - Imagine all the post-Brexit hijinks they could be workin’ in to it.

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

Probably not going to happen as actors have moved on. Was a fun show while it lasted.

4400 (2021) S1 E1
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

It’s not bad. It will all depend on the direction of the show. I’ll keep watching for now.

Line of Duty (2012) S6 E1
TX2Guns 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Good start but the writers went a bit overboard with the acronyms.
“Get the CHIS to confirm the DIR to the UCO in MIT, did you copy?” 😄

greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago.

The acronyms went overboard last season now its just absurd. I’m pretty sure its a running gag since keen viewers notice everything.

Brassic (2019)
Fmghost 1 points 2 years ago.

Filming season 4 right now

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

Thanks for commenting. Had no idea series 3 was out.

The Irrational (2023) S1 E7
Fugitive 1 points 6 months ago.

Episode 8 airs in “January 29, 2024”
Always check the dates

greenguy86 0 points 6 months ago.

Well you figure with 3 episodes left, they would air as there is plenty of time. But nope almost 3 month wait.

Flipping 101 with Tarek El Moussa (2020) S2 E4
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

Wow, they made out like bandits. If all flips went out like this…

Line of Duty (2012) S6 E7
greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago.

I hope that it will be a satisfying ending.

The Blacklist (2013) S9 E1
sobitthen 0 points 2 years ago.

I thought it was a great premiere for the season…

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

I would have to agree. I like the new dynamic.

Vida (2018) S3 E3
BeAuTyStarZ 0 points 4 years ago.

This show belongs on Netflix!

greenguy86 0 points 4 years ago*.

No, absolutely not. Anything that goes to netflix always gets ruined. Very rarely does it improve a show. Also, its been cancelled which is very sad.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013) S7 E1
greenguy86 0 points 4 years ago.

I don’t know if I’ve already checked out but I found nothing compelling about this epiode. I hope it does improve.

Doctor Doctor (2016) S5 E1
greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago.

I love this show. So glad its back!

Queen of the South (2016) S5 E5
greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago.

I love Boaz but he has always been a liability. These episodes end too fast.

Roswell, New Mexico (2019) S3 E9
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This is just some lazy writing. Why would Liz leave out all of her research for Jones to find. And Heath just happens to know JD the other alien.

Superman & Lois (2021) S1 E14
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I was annoyed by this episode. Half filler, Half action. When its action, the show works but all the unnecessary drama is boring

Moonshiners (2011) S10 E20
greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago.

Great end to the season. Looking forward to next season.

Raised by Wolves (2020) S2 E3
Laura-GCHQ 3 points 2 years ago.

Offcourse i did. I made this comment because 3 episodes into the second season and it seems they’re already deviating from the premise they set towards the end of the first season.
Perhaps i’m just impatient at this point.

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

To you, what was the original premise and how has it changed?

Dead Like Me (2003)
SYLCollective -2 points 5 years ago.

I can see why this show got cancelled. Season one was like 10/10 whereas Season 2 pretty average.

greenguy86 0 points 8 months ago.

Pretty standard for TV at the time. Sophmore slump.

Moonshiners (2011) S10 E1
greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago.

I know most of what we see is probably not real but I love these guys. Seriously one entertaining show. I’m always laughing and it seems everyone experiences the same universal problems that we face in life.

Mr. Robot (2015) S2 E7
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greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

It took you this long to figure it out. I remember watching the first episode and I couldn’t even finish it. I did end up watching the entire show.

Walker (2021) S2 E1
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

I can tell this season is going to be wayyyy better.

The Syndicate (2012) S4 E6
greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago.

I think this was better than series 3. A bit dark at the end. Look forward to any new series that may come up in the future.

Outer Range (2022)
Speed711 0 points 17 days ago.

S2 Good or not? Anyone tried it? I’ll start tomorrow.

greenguy86 0 points 17 days ago.

Didn’t think it would be back. I’ll start on it.

Professionals (2020) S1 E10
tamerat1 0 points 3 years ago.

good concept but bad script. love hate for me.

greenguy86 0 points 3 years ago.

Its good mindless fun. Nothing you haven’t seen before. It also has a great cast.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016) S7 E4
moongoddess 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Can this show get any better? Seriously, this episode was The Bee’s Knee’s. What a clever way to foil a potential Bump Off, albeit how bad it goes against the Legend’s timeline rules. Loved the Gin Mills, especially the Zari Party, and the Ghost whiteness of the Bullet Blonde’s was so metaphorically spot on! And the choreography that foiled the Gatecrasher’s intentions initial intentions to take down the BB’s. Swell!

For you young whippersnapper’s who haven’t figured out my slang banter above, I am using popular slang terminology from the 1920’s.

The Bee’s Knee’s: Awesome person/thing
Bump Off: Murder someone
Gin Mills: Speakeasy’s.
Gatecrasher: Uninvited ‘guests’ without invitation, password, lack of paying admission.
Swell: Excellent/Brilliant

The ghost white of the BB’s is metaphorical because it represents the fact they are time jumpers and ‘cannot be caught’.

Amy Pemberton’s(Gideon’s) vocals are very impressive! A very talented singer.

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

You really have to appreciate the writers for going the extra mile. One of the main reasons I love this show.

La Brea (2021) S1 E6
YgraineDance 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I had a lit. professor who used to say, “It’s just another of those silly things that is ODTAA. One Damn Thing After Another.”

That’s this show in a nutshell. People you don’t feel a thing for, running around doing all kinds of nonsensical, even duplicitous things - and getting nowhere at all in the plot. Just what I was afraid of. What do you bet this is cancelled long before we get to any real meaning/resolution of any of the things they keep introducing?

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

That’s what life is anyways… It’s on a nbc, which more than likely WILL get cancelled. Watch if you like it and if you don’t move on.

Yellowstone (2018) S4 E10
Lily23 0 points 2 years ago.

I’ve read several interviews with the creators & I remember one saying this would have 7 seasons but, you never know. They have always been very steadfast in knowing how it will end & driving the story towards that ending in straight line rather than a meandering path. It’s one of the reasons most episodes feel so packed, no need for filler.

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

Lots of filler last season and this season, especially this season. Its hard to gauge if season 5 will tie up all the stories. This season was a big let down because not much happened really.

Bel-Air (2022)
WLK-MaStRKiLL3r 0 points 2 years ago*.

Perhaps now a days 2 seasons is an acceptable run, but going off its roots if that’s all we get it’d be a shame so hopefully there’s more. I loved the original and watched new shows weekly then on syndication for years. This has potential to be really good as well. I mean the kid playing Will is obviously no Will Smith comparison of the same age comedic acting wise but he is a talented young actor for sure. I like the show so far, I just hope we get more “swagger and nods to the original show”.

greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

The only character that I was disappointed in was Uncle Phil. Too serious. The original Uncle Phil was serious but he could cut loose when needed(that’s what made James Avery so good). If you objectively view Fresh Prince, the acting wasn’t that great. James Avery was a class act and was the only standout. Will Smith was good in the first season(but quality of performance did not improve in subsequent seasons). The 1st and 2nd seasons were the best(Season 1 being the best for me).

Doctor Who (2023) S1 E5
hellsingfan01 1 points yesterday. (Contains Spoilers)

While the episode was good with the Lindy character being a good lead character what really let the episode was the fact that Russel T. Davies made the episode about race when everything that’s shown to us on screen even the fact that Lindy is rich shows that it’s not a race issue as Lindy wouldn’t want to go with Ruby and The Doctor not because The Doctor is black because of the fact that she sees them as being poorer then what she is and that’s really it but Ncuti Gatwa does turn in a phenomenal performance in the episodes gut wrenching final scene tho.

greenguy86 0 points yesterday.

Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Pretty Hard Cases (2021) S2 E2
greenguy86 0 points 2 years ago.

There’s been a number of good Canadian shows that have come out recently and this is one of them. I have enjoyed it thoroughly. This season seems like its going to heat up real quick.

La Casa de Papel (2017) S5 E10
greenguy86 -1 points 2 years ago.

One of the best shows ever. I highly suggest you watched it subbed.

1923 (2022) S1 E3
tardisrider 4 points 11 months ago.

this series continues to draw high caliber talent, and with each episode it raises the bar even higher, television will never be the same from yellowstone to 1883 to 1923, can’t wait for the next…..

greenguy86 -1 points 11 months ago.

It’s not that deep. I’m scratching my head over Ford & Mirren being cast in this. But it is a limited series.

Killing Eve (2018) S3 E8
greenguy86 -1 points 4 years ago.

I hated everything about this season. Completely pointless. First season, brilliant. Second season, so-so(soft reboot). You can tell everyone involved felt the same way. Sandra Oh didn’t do much so she was tolerable(I think someone heard my pleas to tone her down). Jodie Comer as always, brilliant. She is the only reason I watch the show. It will be so long till the next season. Hopefully better writers are brought in next time around.

Lucky Hank (2023) S1 E1
greenguy86 -1 points 1 year ago.

I’m not sold on it. I’m just like ‘what’s the point, really?’

Killing Eve (2018) S4 E2
greenguy86 -1 points 2 years ago.

These first 2 episodes were underwhelming but the preview for the next episode looks promising.