stormbringer's comments

Beforeigners (2019) S1 E2
stormbringer 1 points 4 years ago.

Don’t use the ‘V’ word. We prefer of Norse descent… lmao priceless!

Face Swap (Short 2019) (2019)
stormbringer -1 points 4 years ago.

gives the phrase “go fuck yourself” a fresh meaning?

The Huntress: Rune of the Dead (2019)
etim -2 points 4 years ago.

That was a spoiler for me. They didn’t show up till well past an hour into the story.

stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

alright… fixed

The Huntress: Rune of the Dead (2019)
etim -2 points 4 years ago.

That was a spoiler for me. They didn’t show up till well past an hour into the story.

stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

Oh crap, etim, my bad… didn’t really think that one through. I hate spoilers

The VelociPastor (2018)
stormbringer 0 points 4 years ago.

coming soon… Velocipastornado

Clownado (2019)
stormbringer 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

no… just, no. stop it. whats next? Penisnado?? Dooknado?

The Huntress: Rune of the Dead (2019)
stormbringer -1 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Can’t rightfully tell if they’re zombie Vikings, or Viking zombies, but all in all it was still entertaining, if for no other reason than the Swedish actors didn’t cheese-dick the thing all to hell, Hollywood style. A dark, remote, gritty story about a dark, remote, gritty chain of events. What can I say… zombies don’t get to go to Valhalla

John Dies at the End (2013)
stormbringer 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

John dies at the end…

Don't Let Go (2019)
Keisha_Ruan -7 points 4 years ago.

sry i didnt mean too its just like how everyone dies in the end except 2 ppl because somehow their cellphones are connected in time.

stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

yeah, I got that app too.. everyone else is fucked

The Gruffalo (TV Short 2009) (2009)
stormbringer -3 points 4 years ago.

Mark and Janeane had a baby???

Midsommar (2019)
stormbringer -4 points 4 years ago.

Cool movie! Why, it was everything I always imagined the Midsommar festival to be like in Sweden. Norway’s isn’t near as much fun! This is what happens when you can’t handle your mushroom-flavoured mead lol

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019)
stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

I gotta get my….I gotta get my…WTF?? Is for real??

Mandy (2018)
sloburnjo 2 points 4 years ago.

anything LSD related is a-okay!
i loved this.

stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

LSD AND demon-biker henchmen?? now we just gotta…

The Take (2009)
stormbringer -1 points 4 years ago.

Tom Hardy delivers as usual! Great miniseries! I’m so glad they decided not to try to capture the entire novel in a feature-length film… it’s far too character driven for that. It would have ruined it. Made me want to go back and watch The Krays, Legend again. The man deserves far more credit as an actor than he gets. 7.5/10

Viking Siege (2017)
YgraineDance -1 points 4 years ago*.

Sounds like a bit of fun. If it’s terrible, I will have to come after you….;)

stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

uh oh… now I did say, “not entirely horrible..” which means it can still be a little horrible. Just sayin :)

Viking Siege (2017)
stormbringer -3 points 4 years ago.

Not entirely horrible for a low budget, thin plotted vague bloodbath. At least the so called “Vikings” were speaking Old Norse, or a close facsimile thereof. Good for a rainy bored afternoon. 4/10

Taintlight (2009)
stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

The fact that it had the word taint in the title was definitely not a good enough reason to try this one on. Just don’t

Appleseed XIII: Tartaros (2011)
stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

A thousand thank you’s to the uploader for these gems!!

Appleseed XIII: Ouranos (2011)
stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

OMMFG!!!! *reaches through the screen and pulls the uploader through just to lay a sloppy kiss right on their forehead…

Killjoys (2015)
stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

Whatcha mean its not MCR fan fiction? LMAO This show is great! Fills the hole left by Firefly’s cancellation. This is worth the binge

Warrior (2011)
Jhigh03 5 points 4 years ago.

watch this movie right now. One of my all time favorite movies. You will never know the ending and may even cry. The Casting was perfect and really turned me on to both the leads, they have never disappointed. Don’t dismiss this as a Rocky clone, it’s more than the hook. My wife loved it to.

stormbringer 5 points 4 years ago.

A big YES to all of that. Outstanding job by both actors and Nolte too. Hardy deserves a friggen Badass Oscar for this performance!

Peppermint (2018)
stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

Peppermint… I think I missed this one when it was out due to a complete lack of a worthy title, but DAMN! Great movie!!! Thanks uploader, and thanks Marksmanbbs… had it not been for your recent comment, I would have never even thought to check this one out at all! (At lst glance, I thought it was some kind of Lifetime Channel, “One woman’s struggle against blah buh blah buh blibbity blah” film, but man, was I wrong!!! Great movie!!! Nothing hotter than a badass girl who can outfight guys twice her size in hand-to-hand combat… Three thumbs up!!! 4/5

The Boys (2019) S1 E8
stormbringer -1 points 4 years ago.

First show to make me want to put myself in cryo till next season starts in a long time… Fuck me… I’m fucking speechless!

Highlander (1992) S1 E1
BladesofTroy -2 points 4 years ago.

Yeah It hasnt aged well but it was great back in the day. “Duncan” now does a travelling stage combat seminar thing in the states. Woundt be up to the standards of a proper martial art like kendo/kenjutsu but looks good and like it’d be a bit of a laugh.

stormbringer -1 points 4 years ago.

no doubt… yeah, he did have a wee bit o’ formal training beyond common choreography methinks. I’ve been swinging a katana since I was old enough to pick my nose, so I’m pretty good at spotting a dancer or a two-technique rehash master (sorry Christopher, I love your outrageous accent, but you know I’m talking about you…). Adrian Paul’s technique and footwork even grew over the seasons. Good stuff, at least when they paired him with a good stunt fighter or actor.

Highlander (1992) S1 E1
bevnick 2 points 4 years ago.

I’ve never watched this, I feel like I’m in for a treat!

stormbringer 0 points 4 years ago.

Yeah bev… I got thoroughly addicted to this series back in the day. Some great cameos even, from time to time… Joan Jett, for one, if memory serves. Enjoy! You’ll get over Adrian Paul’s accent after one or two ep’s lol

Family Guy (1999) S17 E2
MyongSooksoo 2 points 5 years ago.

Quagmire and the girl from “The Ring” made me giggle extra hard! Good episode all around!

stormbringer 0 points 4 years ago.


Avengers: Endgame (2019)
stormbringer 0 points 4 years ago.

I somehow managed to avoid any and all spoilers on the internet and bitch slapped every person who tried to tell me anything other than it was cool all the way up until this upload…Thanks VERY much uploader!!! Freakin incredible. I loved it!

Another Life (2019)
stormbringer 0 points 4 years ago.

Great series!!! Started out of morbid curiosity as a sci fi writer/ junkie, but got instantly goat roped into a binge from start to finish… Give us more! This should enjoy a long run.

Fast Color (2019)
stormbringer 0 points 4 years ago.

Pretty unique story. A little long-winded, but worth seeing for sure.

Cargo (Short 2013) (2014)
RoboPhone -1 points 4 years ago*.

I found a Link on YouTube and Submitted it.

Going Forward, please make Link Requests HERE, for the Content Team.

Comments are only reviewed by us Users and limits your chance of finding any.


stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

Will do, and thx!!! I cant believe youtube never even occurred to me lol

Cargo (Short 2013) (2014)
stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

Everyone search for a link to this short!! It inspired the full length version, I believe… VERY cool!!!!

Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)
stormbringer -2 points 4 years ago.

It rhymes with Defective Chickapoo, which I guess is something o.O

Guardians of the Night (2016)
stormbringer -1 points 5 years ago.

Well done!! Nice special effects, plus a decent storyline… nothing too crazy-fresh, but a clear notch above your typical B-grade vampire flic. Even had a fairly passable voice track. Russian-to-English voice actors were not bad at all. Usually in foreign films, I MUCH prefer reading subtitles and hearing the acting in their native tongue, but occasionally the actors ACT, rather than just read the script monosyllabically and without any real emotional content. All in all, I give it six and a half fat-ass floating cupcakes out of ten possible fat-ass floating cupcakes, and even one that spits tobacco.

A Madea Family Funeral (2019)
stormbringer -4 points 5 years ago.

I thought the South Park boys buried him instead of Funnybot… Tyler, please… just… stop.

Game of Thrones (2011) S8 E6
stormbringer -2 points 5 years ago.

Oh come on, for fuckssake people… Did you honestly expect them to work it out, get married, and rule Westeros side by side for all eternity? Talk about anticlimactic… What sort of bloody ending would that have been? Everything is exactly as it should be. Fuck it. Now they can Even spin off down the road when the world realizes this can’t be outshined. Great series!!! Thanks uploaders!!!