booger's comments

Bill Burr: Paper Tiger (TV Special 2019) (2019)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Another great show by the legendary Bill Burr!

The Marine (2006)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Great movie for those inclined to escapist viewing. With plenty of action and some light comedy, this film is just right for kicking back and enjoying a frosty adult beverage.

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
booger 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

There is a plot, not a bad one and not original, but still, a plot. Let’s be honest, no one came for the plot. KAIJU BATTLE! is what we all came to see and battle there was. Low quality and a few commercial breaks might discourage some, but I didn’t care, it has King Kong fighting Godzilla. Epic!

Houseless (2013)
etim 4 points 3 years ago.

lol—way too many ppl don’t need to be homeless or desperate to be willing to do most anything and act like an idiot to get to be on TV. Just look at all the reality shows out there.

booger 3 points 3 years ago.

So very true.

Houseless (2013)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.

This is what happens when you tell some homeless that you wanna make a doco with a particular vibe, you get what you pay for. When you’re desperate, you will do most anything, for another. hit,drink,meal….matters not.

Starship Troopers (1988)
Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Great watch! A lot of story here. Yes, there are continuity problems and dialogue etc. problems, as you would expect from a project that had its lead walk away before completion. Some people might find the first hour or so drag on a bit as it tends to be emotionally dark and repetitive, which in turn, sets the mood for the entire performance, but the sheer amount of story is amazing, loose ends and all. Josh Whedon did a good job with the constraints he was saddled with and the 2 films, I believe, should not be compared, as they are near completely different animals.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E21
booger 4 points 3 years ago.

Yawn! This is what happens when character development goes too far. I am not saying that it is bad when they make an episode with insights into a characters mental state(s). But they could have easily condensed this down to 10 minutes and used the rest of the time to move the story along and not give us another rehashing of the same ‘ol same ‘ol.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E20
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Good episode! This is what character development is supposed to be like. You get to see what trauma from the past is influencing the behavior of Princesa and how her isolation has exacerbated those effects. Despite this episode being solely focused on a single character, I found the entire episode engrossing and was surprised when I checked the time and found it was almost over.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
booger 7 points 3 years ago.

First time seeing the extended cut and I am not disappointed. Thanks to EVERYONE who makes this site possible.

Hybrids (2017)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.


SAS: Red Notice (2021)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Fairly average, low budget, made for TV movie. Overall, I give it a ‘meh’.

South Park (1997) S24 Special
booger 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Matt and Trey at it again, trying to push their evil Canadian agenda down the throats of regular everyday normal people. When will this insanity end!?! What’s next? Tim Hortons USA? Freedom Fries covered in cheese curd and drowned in delicious beef gravy? I SAY THEE NAY! We must resist the Red Maple Leaf menace by any means necessary.

Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997)
booger 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

After a near 2 month stand-off, a dangerous psychopath, who used children to shield himself from harm, was finally removed from this world. Could there been an avoidance of so much death? Sure, all he had to do was order the childrens release, like anyone who cared about life would have done. Was there mistakes made and blame diverted? I have no doubt. Fact: Religious freedom does not give people carte blanche to do what they will.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E19
booger 3 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

At last, an character development episode (there have been far too many over the years imho) that isn’t just rehashing the same ol’ same ol’.
Finally we get to know what we knew all along, that the preacher was a egotistical, self-centered, cowardly, murderer. Anyone with a modicum of sense saw this coming years ago. His transformation from the guy who let his entire congregation slowly suffer and die into a Gung-Ho butt-kicker, whom is fully trusted by the pack, was too quick.
My major concern is that this will turn into the same thing that they do to the main (most popular) characters, as in, they drag it out over and over again, episode after episode, until it is so watered down, that it is meaningless.

From Beyond (1986)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

A very entertaining movie. Great visuals and a thought provoking story blend well the veteran actors performances.

Things to Come (1936)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.

Great movie. Good acting and direction and excellent story.

Roadie (1980)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Good soundtrack

Punky Brewster (2021)
booger 6 points 3 years ago.

So, all you are saying is, the 15-year-old girl was Hotter before she had the unnatural scars she got from the surgery that helped her deal with gigantomastia than she looked afterwards. gotcha

Mr. Mayor (2021) S1 E2
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

lol… I remember the first time I got ahold of some really strong stuff, I sat on a 5 foot fence for nearly an hour because I was scared of falling off.

Mr. Mayor (2021) S1 E1
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

I had no idea this even existed until today, and while it started out kinda lame and a lot of the jokes are a bit cheezy, I enjoyed watching it and look forward to more.

Bruce Almighty (2003)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Not Carey at his best, but still worth a few laughs.
I remember watching this on HBO with a couple of friends years ago and enjoying it a lot more than I did today. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe the people I was with, but it just seemed funnier back then.

BattleBots: Bounty Hunters (2021)
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

I was so excited when I saw this in TV shows and then again when loading it up. 7 matches in a 45 min time frame, Epic! Unfortunately, it was not to be. They split up the 7 matches (a max total of 21 mins) over 2 episodes….so 90 mins minus 21 is 69 minutes of mainly pointless jibbering.
Back stories are cool and the commentators do a professional job, however, the name of the program is BattleBots. Expect long waits between matches or FF… a LOT!
ALL of these matches could have easily fit into an hour-long (TV time) or 42-44 minute total time on screen slot.
I will continue to watch and FF, a lot, of course, thank you uploaders, the above is just me ranting And warning people about what to expect.

The Rookie (2018) S3 E5
booger 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I was so hoping that this ep. would go the other way, and Stanton would prove to be a good guy, but alas, he was a bad one.
For some reason, folks seem to forget that cops are just normal people, with normal people problems.
Despite the medias portrayal of L.E.O. deaths being mostly in the line of duty, a major cause of L.E.O. deaths is still, and will remain to be, suicide.
Report the bad ones to help get them off the street and just as importantly, Support the good ones, they deserve your appreciation.

The Watch (2021)
booger 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Not bad. Although, if you are expecting something like any of the other Discworld adaptations, you will be very disappointed.
If this was an unaffiliated fantasy world, many people would not be so angry about the Vast departure this makes from the books, which stands to reason, since a fantasy world, specifically created for this TV series, would have no source material to be parted from, vast or otherwise.
There was a few attempts at Pratchett like humour here and there, but most seemed like ‘malicious compliance’ or more accurately ‘meh compliance’ than any real attempt at Pratchett level levity. Whomever is responsible for bringing this to the small screen should be commended, they did a good job and it was decently fun to watch. I just wish they had taken the time and effort to make a world of their own and not butcher an already well established and beloved Universe.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.

Good to watch at least once. Suffering from poor editing, occasional abbreviated fight scenes, some lack of chemistry and a weak story, this film is nonetheless, still entertaining.

Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Thank You, for the clarification. I agree that modern documentaries seem to lack objectivity. In fact, a lot of the more famous modern documentarians seem to lack that as well. As an average everyday normal guy, I have learned to take what folks say, with a grain or 2 of salt, and almost disregard some altogether.

NCIS (2003) S18 E6
booger 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Very weak episode. A poorly conceived setup and poorly executed story took what is supposed to be an emotional story into a ‘WTF’ were they thinking one. Lazy, lazy, lazy. One can only suspend so much disbelief. A rural sheriffs office that dates back to 1889 with 2 cells I can believe, that the cells relied on electricity to open and close is preposterous, the amount of money it would take to purchase, install and maintain such a system would have been prohibitive to a county that most likely had just the one sheriff.

Ben-Hur (1959)
Royaltyguy 5 points 3 years ago.

Still Amazing movie, if you havent watched it i recommend doing so its a really great movie. pretty long but its worth the watch and one of my favorites

booger 4 points 3 years ago.

I wholeheartedly agree! This movie has so much to offer. From its fantastic locations, to its set design, to its exemplary acting. Not only is it an entertaining watch, it gives frank, and not so frank, insights into what it is to be human.

Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
svarg26 0 points 3 years ago*.

You just made a concise and compelling argument against atheism.

booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Knowing, that there is a lack of knowledge, is not knowing, that there is no knowledge. We know, that we do not know, all the knowledge there is to know, therefore we know, that more knowledge is needed.

Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
phil collier 1 points 3 years ago.


booger 0 points 3 years ago.

Sounds interesting, although I am not keen on labels.

Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
svarg26 0 points 3 years ago.

i’m guessing you share the knowledge that nothing created the universe out of nothing.

booger 1 points 3 years ago.

I know, that no one actually knows, the knowledge of which you speak.

Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
Aunty_Fa 4 points 3 years ago.

Knowledge… Belief… Those on all sides of the ol’ God, no God debate, seem to use these terms interchangeably depending on which side they’re backing.
In regards to your question (and here I would like to acknowledge that there a difference in the way ‘religion’ was used in your original statement, where it was “…Any religion…” which denotes multiple religions juxtaposed individually against Atheism, and then your response to me where the “any” is dropped, religion therefore becoming a singular entity vs Atheism. I am responding with the original usage in mind), I would have to say that there is no hard and fast answer to that as religions are incredibly varied, deciding on the opposite would have to be case by case.
There is no religion, to my knowledge, with “God exists” as it’s only aspect. Which Atheism would obviously be the flip side.
The way God or Gods are thought of and considered to be existing also differs, the concept of God as a singular conscious omnipotent being is definitely not present throughout all religions. Which is the concept of God that the majority of Atheists would deny as being true.
Oh, also if you’re wondering where I stand; Atheist (omnipotent being = nah)

Just as an aside; Your treatment of morality I find to be somewhat lacking, especially as there is no way to say that the way we human presently is the only way for humans to human. Morals aren’t all naturally derived, we invent, alter, change, what we consider to be moral, i.e. a moral code

booger 1 points 3 years ago.

You are right, I could have been more precise, my usage of “Any Religion” was vague and generalized. But considering that my words were in response to a post that had ‘both sides’ and ‘Muslims or Jews’, words that I interpreted as meaning the other side of christianity is islam and judaism, well … I just didn’t feel the need to, my bad. To clarify my position on religion: It exists. It is artificial, just like ethics and morality and language and war and peace and the computer you are using, We made it All. It is not that I disbelieve in god(s) or religion, I just know what they are, to use an analogy; The opposite of love is not hate, both of which are very strong emotions, but apathy. Like I said, just Humans being Human, it ain’t complicated.
P.S. Sorry for the late response, we are experiencing an ice-storm in my area and the power went out for a few hours, so I took a nap.

Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
Aunty_Fa 7 points 3 years ago.

I’d disagree with you about that. Atheism isn’t a set of beliefs or an adherence to dogma, it’s merely a simple one liner “I don’t believe in God(s)”. Many atheists hold quite similar morals as those of someone who does believe in God(s).

booger -1 points 3 years ago.

And, I disagree with you. Atheism is not the disbelief in god(s) but the knowledge that there are no god(s). Morality is Humans being Human and nothing more. You stated that you disagreed with my stance that the other side of religion is atheism, ok, so what is?

Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

The opposite side of Any religion is Atheism.

Good People Go to Hell, Saved People Go to Heaven (2013)
booger 12 points 3 years ago.

I found this to be a concise and compelling argument against christianity.

Squidbillies (2005) S5 E10
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Perhaps the Greatest musical episode in all of TVdom!

Blood Drive (2017)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Wow! Where to start with this one? Well, there is just too much to say, really, so i’ll make this brief. Weird, funny, raunchy and gore splattered. If you like any of those things then check out this series.

Repo Men (2010)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.

Good all around flick. With action, drama etc. this film has a lot to offer. Some people may be put off by the gore, but what else do expect from a movie that’s about repossessing artificial organs?

Looper (2012)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Great movie. Although I typically like more action, the story was compelling enough to keep me engaged.

The Equalizer (2021) S1 E1
booger 5 points 3 years ago.

Not bad. While not as dark and stoic as the original series or as action oriented as the movies, it is still a good watch.

Samsquanch County (2020)
Frac -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Science at its best…5/5 hilarious

booger 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Holy Hallelujah! How can you be so flippant? My cousin was killed by a Samsquanch.

NOVA (1974) S48 E4
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Wonderful mini-series, these Beyond the Elements episodes. Reminds me of Mr. Wizard.

The Rookie (2018) S3 E4
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Wow, this ep. hit closer to home than I thought it would. You can’t force people to change, heck, you cannot really even convince them to. Real, lasting change, can only occur when that person decides, period. Hence the old saying ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make ‘em drink.’

Resident Alien (2021) S1 E1
booger 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Talk about far fetched. I mean seriously, you got an Alien that learns to speak English from watching Law & Order reruns with a repeatedly referenced Jerry Orbach scene, and it didn’t pick up a Bronx accent? Balderdash!
Other than that, it was quite watch worthy. Good acting, simple and easy to follow plot, with plenty of dry humor. Will definitely watch again.

Dirty Vegan (2019) S2 E1
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

People can get used to eating almost anything, just look at American supermarkets, where we buy overpriced fruits and vegetables, that are for sale not because of their flavor, but because of their shelflife and endurance of transportation.
So when I see some guy, trying to tell everyone that the diet he is peddling is superior to all others, by tricking our tastebuds with science,I gotta call B.S.

Jokes My Folks Never Told Me (1978)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Corny jokes told poorly. The idea of jokes told with live action or animation is sound, but the lousy acting and timing is a joke killer.

Rise of the Mummy (2021)
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

The first three and a half minutes was stupid, boring and full of bad acting/ dialog / FX, can’t see it getting getting any better than that.

America's Test Kitchen (2001) S21 E5
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

seems like an awful lot of trouble for just 2 cups of joe.