Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler (2019) S1 E5
YgraineDance 1 points 4 years ago.

Yeah, good question. Ol’ Alfred sure did lead a…colorful…young life!

greyfur -1 points 4 years ago.

He sure did! Lot of action, adventure, and heartache, which I think is what they might be getting at in his background, which made him a great butler and manservant/‘dad’ sort of for a young Bruce Wayne, to help him find his way early on, and be there for him in the early days, and then on there after.
Me being me (I’m 57) and having grown up with everything I could have placed my hands on as a kid that was Batman, and will grant you I missed some stuff, but still…watching this, with some retrospect, I think this is seriously brilliant! A lot of thought went into this, people went into the Batman mythos, and went into exactly WHO Alfred might have actually might have been, and how he got to be who he was.
Thinking they had a lot of ways they could have gone, but picked (so far) a really great way to go with this. Hope they keep going this way!