Batman: Terror of Arkham (2019)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

I’m not into fan films at all, though I’m a big Batman fan. I looked at the IMDb for this, and there were no comments about this, none, but saw that only about 10 grand was spent on the making of this, so I decided I would spend a couple of minutes watching just for shytes and grins, just to see, not expecting much, and wound up watching the whole 52 minutes of this!

Turns out that these folks out took that 10 grand and made a pretty good production with that money! Only complaint I have is the guy that played Batman could have filled out the suit a bit better, though he did play the part pretty good. Matter of fact, the acting all around for a fan film was pretty darn good, and aside from a few minor lighting issues, this was well worth the watch.

Not sure if there are awards for fan films for this kind of thing, but if there are, this should be nominated for a couple, and the acting certainly should be well up in there for several of the people involved.