Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler (2019) S3 E10
Alien 2 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

But just think of all the great shows you would have missed out on.
I’m glad we had 3 seasons of this rather than none at all. I love this series.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah, but would be able to binge the heck out of stuff when it’s fully out and done, if people tell me it’s worth doing, even if it’s ended on a cliff….like Firefly, for example. Wouldn’t have missed that for anything. And they killed that for no good reason as well.

But yeah, this was a great series and glad I saw it. Oh! In case you didn’t notice, but you most like probably did, that spin off for the Walking Dead, Dead City is starting Thursday, so there’s that, might be pretty good, or not, hard to say, but that’s got Negan and that chick, darn can’t think of her name, but he killed her husband, think her name is Meg.

Anything with Negan ought to be pretty good. In concept, anyway…