Found (2023) S1 E3
Alien 2 points 7 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is a very different role Mark-Paul Gosselaar. He’s usually in control. What’s Gabi’s end game?

They must have, but I haven’t heard any talk about searching for Margaret’s son.
She is truly pathetic.

YgraineDance 1 points 7 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree with you about Gosselaar. This is a strange departure for him. And yes, the woman with the missing son is really off the deep end. What on earth is the show going to do with that - have the son show up one day? And, maybe I’m wrong, but for a brief while, I’d assumed that the young woman who’d been imprisoned with Gabi was in on the prisoner ruse…but nope, no one knows about him. Again, what on earth is the show going to do with that situation??? (sorry I’m so bad with names; the only woman I know is Gabi since that’s my nickname too LOL)