Found (2023) S1 E10
YgraineDance 1 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree with all you’ve said. Not the greatest show to begin with, but this episode was just too much to swallow. One of the things I most liked in the premise behind both Scandal and HTGAWM was the idea of a smart, head-screwed-on-straight black professional woman who paid the cost and IS a boss. I’m black myself; it was gonna be fun to see such a character, I thought. But in each case, the shows hinted and teased (for a few outings, to get you interested) at this satisfying ideal, only to devolve into some nutty parody of a shrew who’s lost her mind. Olivia beating someone to death with a chair (!); Viola working with teacher’s pets in a murder plot (!); and this woman Gabi who is involved in the worst scenario EVER - her live-in criminal chained in the basement (!!)
I mean, do they ALL have to be touched in the head? Am I asking for too much?

AmieWarren 0 points 5 months ago*.

I didn’t see HTGAWM, but everybody in Scandal was focked up in the head. Not a sane one amongst them, but that’s just the government. Gabi is f’d up due to childhood trauma, and she’s definitely devolving right now. What is strange is she finally escaped from Sir, but then captured him and imprisoned him. It’s like she doesn’t want to be free of him. A sort of mysterious love-hate relationship. Can we say “addicted to drama?”