The Call of the Wild (2020)
booger 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The Good : Decent flick, worth a watch.
The Bad : Lots of fantasy as far as what a real dog could and would do and I don’t understand why the filmmaker chose not to add ‘fantasy’ in this films description. And the last part where ford goes out into the Yukon without a gun is the most fantastical of all.
The Ugly : Feral dogs are far more likely to attack humans than wolves, dogs that have belonged to a human and then gone ‘wild’ have lost their fear of us and when hungry will see prey and not a ‘master’.
Every Spring, city dwellers will make their way out to rural areas (like where I live) and bring unwanted pets to dump.
Those pets were once Christmas and Valentine gifts, but they broke up or got too big or just too much trouble and they dump them out here.
We shoot them. Not all of them (my dog and cats were dumped) but most. We let them wander around for awhile to see if anyone wants but when they go after livestock (chickens,goats,cows etc.) or become a nuisance…… we shoot.