Dirty Dancing (2017)
SnakePliscan 3 points 3 years ago.

1964 and people are all about appearances and morals from the bible, so how does all this correctness carry racism and sexual repression and rejection of free expression, that’s what the dirty dancing storey is.
So is this remake as good as the original, well interestingly they expanded it and hit on more topics about the time.
Abigail Breslin is really good in this, you can tell the whole cast gave their best, personally i’ve never liked Dirty Dancing as a movie but had to see why this remake only got a 3.1 on IMDB and i think i know why but i still enjoyed it.

Julianna 2 points 3 years ago.

Wow I never even knew this existed! How did I miss it? Thanks a lot for this review as I will add to my watch list! Appreciate it Snake~