Seeking Sister Wife (2018) S2 E4
8STORY8 1 points 5 years ago*.

@truxlady33 okay, but still no S02E04 uploaded here yet, so I msg.’d you!

RoboPhone 1 points 5 years ago*.

I’ve noticed this show’s episodes seem to be posted irregularly.

For a previous episode to disappear, usually that indicates something was wrong with the source files and was deleted. Even though we have multiple slots for different hosts, it’s first-in, first-filled. If someone gives bad links, they have to be reported & deleted before new links can (hopefully) be found to replace them.

I’ll take a look myself to see if there are any usable links for this. Otherwise, try to be patient as the pros may have Sunday off to soothe their throbbing keyboard fingers. (At least I don’t have that to worry about, right?)