The Wheel of Time (2021)
Canuckian 7 points 2 years ago.

ooh The Belgariad quintet of books was FANTASTIC! Don’t forget the subsequent Malloreon quintet as well which is a direct continuation of the events in Belgariad..There is also the Elenium Trilogy which follows the Malloreon but I have never had the opportunity to read it but i’m sure it is just as amazing It was actually the first High Fantasy series I ever read (that wasn’t Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance lol). I had actually forgotten all about those series of books! David Eddings is an AMAZING writer! Think I might have to go out and re-buy the entire series for my collection!Did you say there is a WoT Video Game they came out with? Why have I never heard of this? lol..geez I only recently learned that they came out with one season of a show based on the Sword of Truth books a bunch of years ago soon as I learned this I went and gave a couple episodes a watch and I just couldn’t do it. The acting was terrible and the only similarity to the books was the names of the characters and places lol..I wasn’t going to ruin the enjoyment I experienced after just finishing the SoT series by watching any more lol. Anyways, Thanks for reminding me of one of my fave series of books which I haven’t read in over 25 yrs! Very much looking forward to revisiting those books! Cheers kerfy!

kerfy 5 points 2 years ago.

yes,yes, and yes.. great books..and series.. i am just doing a binge read of the dritzz books, there 30 of em. I think i will do the bel and friends ones after that.. I am not sure if I ever did read all the seeker books.. They were good, the tv series got bad real fast… Daveid Eddings is one of my favs as well..As I recall the video game was in the 90’s I think..