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Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
Researcher 4 points 8 days ago.

If every decision point creates another possibility, then there are no finite branches.

mkmikas 2 points 8 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

well infinite sets then :)

The Acolyte (2024)
greyfur 3 points 8 days ago.

Rouge One was good, really good. Wish they made more like that one….

hellsingfan01 2 points 8 days ago.

Same here it’s the only good Star Wars movie that Disney have done.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE -1 points 8 days ago.

in a nutshell for many years now i have said when you have so much money that you can do what ever you want the fun goes out the window its not the same as the hard working man, so they look for the next high something on the line of taboo, we all know it goes on just look at Mel and what he said in his interview when he first turned up in Hollywood says it all, and yes i agree the rich and powerful can do what they want but if the normal man did the same they would be in prison….and ii will add its the normal man who is at fault here cos they believe there lies and listen to the media and there fear tactics and still carry on giving them the power, Joaquin Phoenix embarrassed them all at the awards a few years back so they black listed him im just so surprised he didn’t have an accident, as long as there movies are being watched by the sheep in cinemas nothing will change i haven’t been to a cinema in like over 20 years or bought anything to do with these people, yes i watch just like everybody else does but when i read or see that one of them has died i celebrate and say oh another pedo dead

Giri/Haji (2019)
ArizonaGreenTea 1 points 8 days ago.

Daaaang! I had very low expectations for this show seeing as I’d never heard of it and it’s years after release but I REALLY enjoyed this.

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
Researcher 4 points 8 days ago.

If every decision point creates another possibility, then there are no finite branches.

greyfur 5 points 8 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is a real mind bender, ain’t it? I have not had a chance to watch this episode yet, will try and do so later today, but have a busy day ahead of me. But really liking this show, it’s about one of the best out there at this point as far as I’m concerned. So much that can be done with this if they really want to work it….

The Acolyte (2024)
hellsingfan01 6 points 9 days ago.

The only prequels that count are episodes one through three and Rogue One the rest of them just aren’t needed.

greyfur 3 points 8 days ago.

Rouge One was good, really good. Wish they made more like that one….

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
mkmikas 2 points 8 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

probably just concrete behind the door.. but my question is whether the multiverse has finite or infinite branches.. cause otherwise if theres a will theres a way.. like i know there are some finite aspects, but within that there are possibilities..

Researcher 4 points 8 days ago.

If every decision point creates another possibility, then there are no finite branches.

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
Researcher 3 points 8 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That’s the thing: he can’t use this box anymore unless he breaks it out of the concrete box. I think he did this because he also keeps anyone from coming into this world. So, original (OG) Jason will never find this one. But then, a happy ending would mean that OG Jason finds this (his) world; I’m intrigued as to how that would happen. Will Traveler Jason build another box once he figures out it’s not his “perfect” world? Sooner or later OG Jason and Amanda will figure out that they need to get to other labs to get more ampules. Will they start trying to find other labs? I wonder if the sealed box manifests as a locked door or completely disappears from the corridor.

mkmikas 2 points 8 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

probably just concrete behind the door.. but my question is whether the multiverse has finite or infinite branches.. cause otherwise if theres a will theres a way.. like i know there are some finite aspects, but within that there are possibilities..

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
mkmikas 2 points 8 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

so i guess he could just find a world where he doesnt close the box everyone wins.. we are talking multiverse here no? like branching

Researcher 3 points 8 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That’s the thing: he can’t use this box anymore unless he breaks it out of the concrete box. I think he did this because he also keeps anyone from coming into this world. So, original (OG) Jason will never find this one. But then, a happy ending would mean that OG Jason finds this (his) world; I’m intrigued as to how that would happen. Will Traveler Jason build another box once he figures out it’s not his “perfect” world? Sooner or later OG Jason and Amanda will figure out that they need to get to other labs to get more ampules. Will they start trying to find other labs? I wonder if the sealed box manifests as a locked door or completely disappears from the corridor.

Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial (2024)
Wizzdom -4 points 8 days ago.

Contrast this with Europa The Last Battle for a clearer picture of what’s really going on.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
greenguy86 4 points 9 days ago.

I can still watch his movies if they’re going to be entertaining but have lost respect for him as man. Not becuase of the slap, that can be easily forgiven.

grasshopper rex 4 points 8 days ago*.

Because his wife cuckolded him? That’s their business. And why “as a man”? Would it be more acceptable if a woman allowed that?

Lincoln (2012)
yellow_rose1 3 points 8 days ago.

wow star studded cast as we used to call it back in the day. Tommy Lee, Hal Holbrook, James Spader, Jeremy Strong and Gloria Rueben. I don’t know why I haven’t watched this yet. It’s going to be epic I’m sure.

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
mkmikas 2 points 8 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

so i guess he could just find a world where he doesnt close the box everyone wins.. we are talking multiverse here no? like branching

Unsolved Mysteries (1988)
IceKreamSundaze 1 points 8 days ago.

TIL since its premiere in 1987 the show Unsolved Mysteries has helped locate half of the wanted fugitives it has featured, reunited over 100 lost loves and freed 7 prisoners who were wrongfully convicted. An additional 260+ cases involving murder, missing persons and fraud have also been solved.

Unsolved Mysteries (1988)
[removed by a moderator]
yellow_rose1 1 points 8 days ago.

It probably got reported

Unsolved Mysteries (1988)
[removed by a moderator]
yellow_rose1 1 points 8 days ago.

my browser is telling me the site in not secure. Be careful. I was hacked in November last year and it shut down all my apps. They got a hold of my medical information

The Blood Is at the Doorstep (2017)
yellow_rose1 2 points 9 days ago.

this documentary hurts my heart. As this doc shows it doesn’t just happen to black families. This has to stop. If a lay person can see that deadly force was not needed then surely the police can see it, which means that this bill the Michael Bell law must be upheld and used. No change will come if the police do their own investigations into these deaths

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E2
Mandalorian 3 points 9 days ago.

These two were pretty good. I was expecting better but its a fun watch.

MasterChef Australia (2009)
CollideDuhScope 1 points 9 days ago.

I’m having a really hard time caring for anyone this season.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
virtudes2 4 points 9 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I can’t bring myself to watch the rest of the episode after Carrie Ann Moss’s character died.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
virtudes2 3 points 9 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well that was disappointing. I was looking forward to watching Carrie Ann Moss in Star Wars only to see her get killed off in the first 5 minutes. The whole series looks terrible now.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
Alien 1 points 9 days ago.

They’re up now. So impatient, you are.

Trailer Park Boys (2001) S7 E10
RaptorsNineFive 1 points 2 years ago.

Did they not abandon Dartmouth?

dosmundos -1 points 9 days ago.

season 1 was in Sackville, 3 was in Timberlea, 2 & 4 were in different parks in Dartmouth, 5-7 were at a fake park in Dartmouth and 8-12 were in a park in Truro.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
Speed711 3 points 9 days ago.

Thank you!

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
grasshopper rex 0 points 9 days ago.

I’m a firm believer that one shouldn’t be judged by a single lapse of judgement, within reason, of course. Held accountable, yes, but not destroyed. That said, there is so much hypocrisy in how celebrities and the wealthy are pretty much given a pass for things that would have a permanent impact on a normal persons’ life. It’s reported that he is still getting $25 million a picture for acting roles, and he has a long list of projects, acting and producing, coming up.

greenguy86 4 points 9 days ago.

I can still watch his movies if they’re going to be entertaining but have lost respect for him as man. Not becuase of the slap, that can be easily forgiven.

The Daily Show (2023) S2 E53
Alien 3 points 9 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Ken Buck is useless. Too bad Jon didn’t take his own words and use them against Buck.
I’m very disappointed in him…but who cares, anyway.

Mikeonalpha 1 points 9 days ago.

we googled his congressional record. he’s so far to the right, he was off the charts. I couldn’t believe his ant-LGBT record! Scary guy. Thank goodness he’s leaving office.

The X-Files (1993) S3 E6
michaelmyers 2 points 7 months ago.

this ep was hummy ! ‘’ !

John8:36 1 points 9 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The Perp could have had all the womens fat he wanted if he had only done one thing!!…. Study to become a medical doctor and then go into Plastic Surgery. No harm no foul.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
grasshopper rex 0 points 9 days ago.

I’m a firm believer that one shouldn’t be judged by a single lapse of judgement, within reason, of course. Held accountable, yes, but not destroyed. That said, there is so much hypocrisy in how celebrities and the wealthy are pretty much given a pass for things that would have a permanent impact on a normal persons’ life. It’s reported that he is still getting $25 million a picture for acting roles, and he has a long list of projects, acting and producing, coming up.

Timber 6 points 9 days ago.

I agree. I know of someone that worked on the first three movies with them and he said that Will is one of the nicest people. He spoke and treated everyone with the same respect from the Producers to the people dealing with the trash. I am looking forward to seeing this movie. Heard it was the best one.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
GeminiSaga 5 points 9 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hard to take Will Smith seriously anymore.

grasshopper rex 0 points 9 days ago.

I’m a firm believer that one shouldn’t be judged by a single lapse of judgement, within reason, of course. Held accountable, yes, but not destroyed. That said, there is so much hypocrisy in how celebrities and the wealthy are pretty much given a pass for things that would have a permanent impact on a normal persons’ life. It’s reported that he is still getting $25 million a picture for acting roles, and he has a long list of projects, acting and producing, coming up.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E10
tabularascal 2 points 9 days ago.

Same here, though the time agency has shown up in enough other Star Trek properties that I recognized who the character must be, even without remembering his name. Reading a couple of other comments here and then googling filled in the blanks.

I want to apologize for the tone of my earlier comment. I was having a very bad day and being a jerk. I’m having a very bad day today, too, but trying to be more mindful about it.

greyfur 2 points 9 days ago.

S’all good, we all have them.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
GeminiSaga 1 points 9 days ago.

Were the first episodes delayed?

Roast Battle Canada (2021) S4 E1
tousi 1 points 9 days ago.

Let’s roast!

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
GeminiSaga 5 points 9 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hard to take Will Smith seriously anymore.

Star Spangled Girl (1971)
random000 3 points 9 days ago*.

Peter Pan & Pinocchio! Loved her tv show Funny Face when we were kids. She was in everything, Disney, Sonny & Cher. She’s great.

Couples Therapy (2019)
duuuuuuuuuude 1 points 9 days ago.

Another great season!

Star Spangled Girl (1971)
Alien 4 points 9 days ago.

Sandy Duncan used to be soooo popular. She was awesome!

Strawberry Shortcake Specials (2023)
drivingflight6 1 points 10 days ago.

I love strawberry shortcake specials

random000 2 points 9 days ago.

Strawberry Shortcake married Angus Beef
Much to their families’ disbelief
Their house was full of lots of good lovin’
And soon Angus put a bun in Strawberry’s oven.

Rebus (2024)
Piglet 1 points 21 days ago.

There had better be a 2nd season because of the ending. I actually liked this reboot of Rebus than the original.

AmieWarren 1 points 9 days ago.

Isn’t this supposed to be a prequel?

The Acolyte (2024)
joeinwb 3 points 9 days ago.

Amen. Really the only good ones are the first one, a new hope, and Rogue one.

hellsingfan01 3 points 9 days ago.

All of the original trilogy are great films the prequels are now good thanks to THOSE dread Disney films.

The Acolyte (2024)
hellsingfan01 6 points 9 days ago.

The only prequels that count are episodes one through three and Rogue One the rest of them just aren’t needed.

joeinwb 3 points 9 days ago.

Amen. Really the only good ones are the first one, a new hope, and Rogue one.

Too Good to Be True (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 9 days ago.

this looks very good and intense

The Acolyte (2024)
Akrimaya 8 points 9 days ago.

Being a young 50 something I saw the original Star Wars in theaters when it came out. I may be in the minority but I have no need to watch the 100 prequels that have come out since. I really don’t want to know why the characters became what they are. It ruins the mystery for me. I’m still a fan though. May the force be with you all.

hellsingfan01 6 points 9 days ago.

The only prequels that count are episodes one through three and Rogue One the rest of them just aren’t needed.

Rebus (2024)
Piglet 1 points 21 days ago.

There had better be a 2nd season because of the ending. I actually liked this reboot of Rebus than the original.

THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 9 days ago.

my sentiment exactly , but its BBC so there will defo be a season 2

Violent Earth with Liev Schreiber (2024)
Akrimaya 1 points 9 days ago.

We were robbed of a good ending on Ray Donovan! I’m still upset.

Eric (2024)
YELLOWbird 1 points 10 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Keep watching you won’t be disappointed!

Akrimaya 1 points 9 days ago.

Ok thanks!

Eric (2024)
Drizzt 3 points 10 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The monster rip’s the kid apart just as they find him !

Akrimaya 1 points 9 days ago.

Savage 😂

The Acolyte (2024)
Akrimaya 8 points 9 days ago.

Being a young 50 something I saw the original Star Wars in theaters when it came out. I may be in the minority but I have no need to watch the 100 prequels that have come out since. I really don’t want to know why the characters became what they are. It ruins the mystery for me. I’m still a fan though. May the force be with you all.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E10
greyfur 2 points 9 days ago.

No, simply didn’t catch it, and has been a heck of a long time since I watched Enterprise….and I probably missed a couple episodes…

tabularascal 2 points 9 days ago.

Same here, though the time agency has shown up in enough other Star Trek properties that I recognized who the character must be, even without remembering his name. Reading a couple of other comments here and then googling filled in the blanks.

I want to apologize for the tone of my earlier comment. I was having a very bad day and being a jerk. I’m having a very bad day today, too, but trying to be more mindful about it.

The Daily Show (2023) S2 E53
tabularascal 2 points 9 days ago.

Extra ironic, given his earlier tirade.

Alien 1 points 9 days ago*.
