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The Seven Dials Mystery
Piglet 1 points 5 days ago.

Sounds good indeed! Filming is expected to begin this summer; no premiere date has been set yet. Christie’s great-grandson James Prichard will executively produce the show alongside Suzanne Mackie (of The Crown) and Chris Sussman (of Good Omens). Prichard said, “Bundle Brent is one of my great-grandmother’s rafts of interesting, humorous, sharp, young female characters. To see her brought to life through the words of Chris Chibnall and this production with Orchid Pictures and Netflix is a dream come true. I think viewers will love this world that we have created, and hope for more.”

Naked and Afraid XL (2015) S10 E5
yellow_rose1 1 points 5 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Don’t get me wrong I really like this show and most of the people that do the Naked and Afraid challenge earn their place. However I don’t believe that a caiman would lay still while 3 people approached it and not move in some way. So I ask, who else thinks that caiman was already dead when Terra hacked it with the blade?

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
random000 3 points 5 days ago.

Locally democracy & voting tends to work acceptably much to most people’s satisfaction. Nationally it’s a different animal. With that, there are plenty of examples on a local level where the will of the people was usurped in spite of voting results. Still - local voting is much more effective than national.

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

True. I should have made it clear that I was talking about national elections. I do vote at the state and local levels still. Those are the ones that have the most impact on my life and where my vote might actually do some good. Whichever figurehead is in the Oval Office makes no difference to me as far as I can tell.

Austin has pretty much had a liberal local government for as long as I can remember, slowly but surely though the neoliberals have taken over and the city that so many of it’s older citizens love has been ruined by the greed of these neoliberals that desire economic growth to the peril of everything that makes this city special. They are almost indistinguishable from their conservative counterparts. These yuppy, NIMBY assholes are not progressive by any stretch of the imagination, no matter how much they claim to be.

Peaky Blinders (2013)
Piglet 1 points 5 days ago.

It has been confirmed! Production for the film is slated to begin later this year, with a script penned by the show’s creator, Steven Knight. The announcement marks the first official confirmation with a studio greenlight, bringing excitement to fans who have eagerly awaited the continuation of Tommy Shelby’s story. Cillian Murphy expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “It seems like Tommy Shelby wasn’t finished with me…It is very gratifying to be re-collaborating with Steven Knight and Tom Harper on the film version of ‘Peaky Blinders.’ This is one for the fans.”

Supernatural (2005)
Piglet 1 points 5 days ago.

Just found some more news about Jensen Ackles and I could see him as Batman! DC Universe fan art imagines Jensen Ackles as Batman in a modern reimagining, sparking excitement for new Batman iteration in The Brave and The Bold. Ackles remains a top choice for Batman casting, pending DC Universe’s completion of The Brave and The Bold movie script for final casting decisions.
The upcoming DC reboot film will introduce a new Batman and a brand new Batsuit design, drawing inspiration from the modern DC Rebirth iteration.

Yellowstone (2018)
Piglet 1 points 5 days ago.

As it has been reported, Costner is leaving the series. Who will replace him? Here is what I have found out and it does sound plausible….Kurt Russell can be one of the most perfect additions to the Dutton Ranch. With his experience in projects like Bone Tomahawk, The Hateful Eight, and Tombstone, Russell can pull off the Western genre with the desired style. As we do not have any official update about Russell’s Yellowstone involvement, his appearance can also be expected in the prequel series, 1944. The series set after the events of 1923 can present the Marvel star as another prominent Dutton family member.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

When you have 2 parties that dominate the political landscape, but both are actually just 2 sides of the same coin, your vote doesn’t matter. Without the money that backs those 2 parties, no other players have the funding needed to get elected. Even if, by some miracle, some independent or alternative party member did get elected, how much cooperation would they get in a system full of individuals more concerned about preserving the power of their own party than serving the people? None. Both dominant players have a vested interest in making sure they remain the only players in that game.

expresso 3 points 5 days ago.

Unfortunately the US is not a parliamentary system, I’m actively making plans to move to one somewhere (soon) before I wake up one day in the Republic of Gilead.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E14
Boiler 5 points 5 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

whether true or not, it’s scary to see the greed from individuals and certain companies needing more. hope everyone’s grand children live long and prosper. \m/

and now this from a popular tv host :

YgraineDance 5 points 5 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It seems as if all that can be dreamed of comes to pass, at some point. I remember an old movie where the super (and it turned out, moral) A.I. was tasked by humans with mining the sea, and refused to do so. It cared more for the ecosystem than the humans did. A profound message.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
random000 3 points 5 days ago.

Locally democracy & voting tends to work acceptably much to most people’s satisfaction. Nationally it’s a different animal. With that, there are plenty of examples on a local level where the will of the people was usurped in spite of voting results. Still - local voting is much more effective than national.

expresso 1 points 5 days ago.

I assume you’re referring to situations where the weasels go chaotic and change the system because they can’t change the numbers

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
random000 3 points 5 days ago*.

Not voting is a vote. It’s a vote that says: No thanks, not voting for the lesser of two evils. Those who go to the slaves suggestion box and think that voting for one criminal syndicate over the other are the problem, not the solution. That doesn’t make you free. That isn’t democratic. It’s fascism by another name. Voting for Sam Giancanna or Al Capone is still a vote for a criminal organization that has a vested interest that no one has an acceptable choice.

A poll says that 20% of people would rather a meteor destroy the Earth rather than the current democan or republicrat be elected. That’s around 180 million people who voted with their feet that out of nearly half a billion people, they believe that the two criminals being presented as “a choice” are not valid choices. An actual democracy would have an enormous amount of political parties. There actually are. But most people don’t know about them since there’s a media blackout on everyone who are not part of the hijacked criminal political parties. At this point, those who vote for either are also criminals & should be deported along with the political cults they support so that actual real change can take place & real progress can move society forward instead of being gridlocked in record breaking do-nothing government that’s puppeteered by their corporate owners.

Throughout my lifetime, there has been no U.S. government. There has been an 18-wheel semi full of monkies on PCP that crashed into a nitrus truck full of drunk clowns. No one can force that idiocy upon me, not even upon pain of death.

random000 3 points 5 days ago.

Locally democracy & voting tends to work acceptably much to most people’s satisfaction. Nationally it’s a different animal. With that, there are plenty of examples on a local level where the will of the people was usurped in spite of voting results. Still - local voting is much more effective than national.

Supernatural (2005)
Piglet 1 points 5 days ago.

For those of you who are fans of Jensen Ackles, he will be starring in a new drama (I thought he was going to become a regular on Tracker but maybe not). Countdown’s description, the series begins “following a suspicious murder in broad daylight, which leads to LAPD officer Mark Meachum (Ackles) being recruited to join a secret task force of undercover agents from all branches of law enforcement to investigate. But as the truth of a more sinister plot comes into focus, the team must overcome their conflicting personal agendas to unite and save a city of millions.”

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
expresso 2 points 5 days ago*.

I’m a nerd. This discussion made me curious about actual numbers so I went to look at reported data. 333M genpop US citizens in 2020, 252M of genpop were voting age in 2020 (75%), 168M of total were actually registered to vote in 2020 (50% of genpop, 67% of all voting age), 155M of total actually went out and voted for some issue or other in 2020 (46% of genpop, 92% of registered). You can draw whatever conclusions you want about why 2/3 of people eligible to vote did not vote at all. Your numbers are pretty close.

Some votes make no difference, some votes have significant impact on you whether you like it or not, and your vote actually is meaningful. People do not vote every office on the ticket for a presidential election. A significant number of registered voters go to vote only on things like millages that will raise their local taxes, weed legalization, reproductive freedom, state and local representatives. Which idiot will run their school board and ban books, which idiots are running to turn half the city roads into expensive and completely unused double bike lanes (those people won and flipped council by a mere 29 votes), which idiots are running because they believe property owners who have rentable space but choose not to rent it should pay heavy fines, because baristas have a constitutional right to live within a five minute walking distance from work, there’s not enough affordable housing right downtown, and they are too precious to ride an almost free municipal bus to work from a neighborhood they actually can afford. 56% of registered voters in my state voted to legalize weed, the people in my state are now free to light up a spliff all day with no harassment from The Man and my city now has more weed shops than restaurants.

Whatever you believe about criminal syndicates running the United States (accurate) there are still cases where your vote is highly relevant. My mother was a poll worker all of her married life and I grew up sitting on the floor of a gymnasium for 24 hours straight six times a year. End of rant.

Awesome show! Jeremy Renner is criminally underestimated.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
rdmovieman 2 points 5 days ago.

Frankly, I think all of the pieces to build such a large space craft are already up there in space. It would be easier to make some kind of assembly line, that way we could use all of the space junk that’s already up there. Now that I say that, it makes me wonder if scientists took all the space junk into consideration when calculating asteroids like Apophis and other giant ones that are a threat to our planet. What happens if the asteroid that’s supposed to miss our planet, hits a large piece of space junk, and diverts it towards earth. Is that possible? It’s really scary to think about. I’ll bet out of every movie, series, and documentary, the movie Greenland is the closest to what a real meteor apocalyptic event would be like. The government would definitely wait until the last minute to avoid chaos, looting, murder, rape, and whatever else all of the sick depraved people there are in the world. If you’ve read this far, leave a comment and let us know what movie you think would be the closest, and what you would do if we knew the world was ending. If you’re into the apocalyptic movies and shows like I am, check out Netflix, they’ve been making a lot of those lately including the new Korean series (that’s dubbed in English) Goodbye earth.

greyfur 2 points 5 days ago.

Most like, if it was an asteroid impact, and it was big enough, would probably be like the one Bruce Willis was in, can’t remember the name of it (I’m bad like that), but they would probably send some souped up shuttle up there with a team to try and get out there long before it hits and break it up, and or cause it to change direction enough to avoid hitting the planet, it possible.

I doubt that they would be able to keep anything like that much of a secret for very long, as many amateur astronomers are out there, and some with some really sophisticated stuff to work with, all over the planet, and they all network really well. Something that was big enough to hit the planet and do any real damage would be big news and that would get out really fast.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E14
grasshopper rex 4 points 5 days ago.

That last bit made my night.

MikeyMomo 6 points 5 days ago.

No matter how bad/crappy/lousy your week was, you pretty much can always count on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver to brighten it up for you…

Evacuate Earth (2012)
rdmovieman 2 points 5 days ago.

Frankly, I think all of the pieces to build such a large space craft are already up there in space. It would be easier to make some kind of assembly line, that way we could use all of the space junk that’s already up there. Now that I say that, it makes me wonder if scientists took all the space junk into consideration when calculating asteroids like Apophis and other giant ones that are a threat to our planet. What happens if the asteroid that’s supposed to miss our planet, hits a large piece of space junk, and diverts it towards earth. Is that possible? It’s really scary to think about. I’ll bet out of every movie, series, and documentary, the movie Greenland is the closest to what a real meteor apocalyptic event would be like. The government would definitely wait until the last minute to avoid chaos, looting, murder, rape, and whatever else all of the sick depraved people there are in the world. If you’ve read this far, leave a comment and let us know what movie you think would be the closest, and what you would do if we knew the world was ending. If you’re into the apocalyptic movies and shows like I am, check out Netflix, they’ve been making a lot of those lately including the new Korean series (that’s dubbed in English) Goodbye earth.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 3 points 5 days ago.

It’s cute that you think your vote really makes a difference.

random000 3 points 5 days ago*.

Not voting is a vote. It’s a vote that says: No thanks, not voting for the lesser of two evils. Those who go to the slaves suggestion box and think that voting for one criminal syndicate over the other are the problem, not the solution. That doesn’t make you free. That isn’t democratic. It’s fascism by another name. Voting for Sam Giancanna or Al Capone is still a vote for a criminal organization that has a vested interest that no one has an acceptable choice.

A poll says that 20% of people would rather a meteor destroy the Earth rather than the current democan or republicrat be elected. That’s around 180 million people who voted with their feet that out of nearly half a billion people, they believe that the two criminals being presented as “a choice” are not valid choices. An actual democracy would have an enormous amount of political parties. There actually are. But most people don’t know about them since there’s a media blackout on everyone who are not part of the hijacked criminal political parties. At this point, those who vote for either are also criminals & should be deported along with the political cults they support so that actual real change can take place & real progress can move society forward instead of being gridlocked in record breaking do-nothing government that’s puppeteered by their corporate owners.

Throughout my lifetime, there has been no U.S. government. There has been an 18-wheel semi full of monkies on PCP that crashed into a nitrus truck full of drunk clowns. No one can force that idiocy upon me, not even upon pain of death.

The Life & Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson (2024)
Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 3 points 5 days ago.

You see the same specious deflection anytime someone talks about slavery in the US. Why is it so hard to stay on topic? Does it make it any less horrible? No one is telling you to feel guilty about something you had nothing to do with, but when you try to shut down discussions about it and how people still suffer from racist policies that have endured, you do make yourself part of the problem.

random000 1 points 5 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This will all go away as soon as they actually type the words “Slavery is wrong”.

The Leftovers (2014) S3 E8
mkmikas 1 points 5 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

lori really grew on me, it was great to be a part of a show with complex characters and relationships, carrie coon has some great emotional range. a weird storyline to wit i’m not sure i really understood all the subtext, but in grappling with themes like love and psychosis, im not sure its necessarily the point either. also themes like honesty and testimony were super interesting for me throughout, without being aggressive about it. stories of stories about how we cope with grief alone and with others. about expectations. a very touching and quirky show.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E14
grasshopper rex 4 points 5 days ago.

That last bit made my night.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

I thought it was obvious from my first post, i guess not… Its simple. Vote, but “stop voting for the same people that enact those policies”… Doesn’t matter if you’re left right or center, vote for policy not party… Deuces.

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 days ago.

Feel free to vote if you think that helps, but I choose to not play in a rigged game anymore. If I’m getting nothing out of it, why would I want to play?

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

I thought it was obvious from my first post, i guess not… Its simple. Vote, but “stop voting for the same people that enact those policies”… Doesn’t matter if you’re left right or center, vote for policy not party… Deuces.

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

When you have 2 parties that dominate the political landscape, but both are actually just 2 sides of the same coin, your vote doesn’t matter. Without the money that backs those 2 parties, no other players have the funding needed to get elected. Even if, by some miracle, some independent or alternative party member did get elected, how much cooperation would they get in a system full of individuals more concerned about preserving the power of their own party than serving the people? None. Both dominant players have a vested interest in making sure they remain the only players in that game.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

And that’s where our conversation ends. I thought I might get an honest, intelligent discussion, but I was mistaken. Have a good night.

ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

I thought it was obvious from my first post, i guess not… Its simple. Vote, but “stop voting for the same people that enact those policies”… Doesn’t matter if you’re left right or center, vote for policy not party… Deuces.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
ribbet29 2 points 5 days ago.

How is not voting helping to stop any of that?

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

And that’s where our conversation ends. I thought I might get an honest, intelligent discussion, but I was mistaken. Have a good night.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

I voted most of my adult life. I’ve seen the gap between the rich and everyone else grow and grow in that time. I’ve seen medical care and the cost of medications become beyond the grasp of most in that time. I’ve seen the American dream of owning your own home slip away. Homelessness continues to rise no matter who is in office. Our rights, slowly but surely, are being taken away from us, no matter who is in office. How, exactly, is voting helping to stop any of that?

ribbet29 2 points 5 days ago.

How is not voting helping to stop any of that?

Civil War (2024)
grasshopper rex 5 points 2 months ago.

The focus was much different than what I expected. War correspondents are a special breed.

tabularascal 1 points 5 days ago.

Yeah: damage junkies.

Civil War (2024)
tabularascal 3 points 5 days ago.

So many of these negative reviews are basically:
“I wanted to watch p0rn but this is just a movie about people having sex!”
But in the end, I don’t see what they’re complaining about. You couldn’t ask for a better money shot.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
ribbet29 2 points 5 days ago*.

Its sad that you think it doesn’t…

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

I voted most of my adult life. I’ve seen the gap between the rich and everyone else grow and grow in that time. I’ve seen medical care and the cost of medications become beyond the grasp of most in that time. I’ve seen the American dream of owning your own home slip away. Homelessness continues to rise no matter who is in office. Our rights, slowly but surely, are being taken away from us, no matter who is in office. How, exactly, is voting helping to stop any of that?

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 3 points 5 days ago.

It’s cute that you think your vote really makes a difference.

ribbet29 2 points 5 days ago*.

Its sad that you think it doesn’t…

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

News flash, that doesn’t help them or anyone! Only hurts everyone…

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 days ago.

It’s cute that you think your vote really makes a difference.

The Acolyte (2024)
ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

Did you forget to add a ‘not’ in there somewhere?

hellsingfan01 2 points 5 days ago.

Whoops only just caught it myself good catch.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

Newsflash, most of them figured that out long ago and don’t vote at all.

ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

News flash, that doesn’t help them or anyone! Only hurts everyone…

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

The “people still suffer from racist policies that have endured” should probable stop voting for the same people that enact those policies…

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 days ago.

Newsflash, most of them figured that out long ago and don’t vote at all.

The Leftovers (2014) S3 E6
mkmikas 1 points 5 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The smoking makes much more sense after this episode.. i like how they never explained it though

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 3 points 5 days ago.

You see the same specious deflection anytime someone talks about slavery in the US. Why is it so hard to stay on topic? Does it make it any less horrible? No one is telling you to feel guilty about something you had nothing to do with, but when you try to shut down discussions about it and how people still suffer from racist policies that have endured, you do make yourself part of the problem.

ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

The “people still suffer from racist policies that have endured” should probable stop voting for the same people that enact those policies…

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
DonnyDarko 0 points 5 days ago.

The onl yproblem I have with this is the lady teaching about slavery that is so full of holes and lies its not even funny. This is called propaganda of the left who are trying to rile people up. Fact is slavery was going on long before Europeans had slaves and Africa also had white slaves. But it seems only one picture is to be painted with Hollywood lies. Try looking upon the Arabian slave trade out of Africa and you can go back even further into the days of Mohammed. The world is not about the big bad white man who had slaves, when in fact the entire GLOBE of all races owned slaves of another and even their own. African has slaves today, China still have slaves, Mexico have slaves, just not in chains. But make no mistake, they are owned.

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 days ago.

You see the same specious deflection anytime someone talks about slavery in the US. Why is it so hard to stay on topic? Does it make it any less horrible? No one is telling you to feel guilty about something you had nothing to do with, but when you try to shut down discussions about it and how people still suffer from racist policies that have endured, you do make yourself part of the problem.

The Acolyte (2024)
hellsingfan01 1 points 9 days ago*.

There are some level headed Star Wars fans out there but sadly we’re just not given much actually good Star Wars content these days thanks to Disney.

ribbet29 1 points 5 days ago.

Did you forget to add a ‘not’ in there somewhere?

Halloween (1978)
michaelmyers 1 points 5 days ago.

u 90 horror freaks love the 90’s horror !

The First 48 (2004) S26 E1
red2323 1 points 5 days ago.

new season?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E14
Boiler 5 points 5 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

whether true or not, it’s scary to see the greed from individuals and certain companies needing more. hope everyone’s grand children live long and prosper. \m/

and now this from a popular tv host :

Running Scared (2006)
kavik75 1 points 5 days ago.

Epic movie. Goes far beyond what you think it is

Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 1 points 5 days ago.

Right on. I do believe that’s Sky Farmer or Farmer In The Sky. Will have to look into Mr. Bear ㋡

greyfur 2 points 5 days ago.

Yup, Farmer in the Sky, think that was the one.

The Watchers (2024)
Steppenwolf71 2 points 5 days ago.


Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
DonnyDarko 0 points 5 days ago.

The onl yproblem I have with this is the lady teaching about slavery that is so full of holes and lies its not even funny. This is called propaganda of the left who are trying to rile people up. Fact is slavery was going on long before Europeans had slaves and Africa also had white slaves. But it seems only one picture is to be painted with Hollywood lies. Try looking upon the Arabian slave trade out of Africa and you can go back even further into the days of Mohammed. The world is not about the big bad white man who had slaves, when in fact the entire GLOBE of all races owned slaves of another and even their own. African has slaves today, China still have slaves, Mexico have slaves, just not in chains. But make no mistake, they are owned.

BROMBERG 0 points 5 days ago.

Thanks D.D. You took words right out of my mouth.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
DonnyDarko 0 points 5 days ago.

The onl yproblem I have with this is the lady teaching about slavery that is so full of holes and lies its not even funny. This is called propaganda of the left who are trying to rile people up. Fact is slavery was going on long before Europeans had slaves and Africa also had white slaves. But it seems only one picture is to be painted with Hollywood lies. Try looking upon the Arabian slave trade out of Africa and you can go back even further into the days of Mohammed. The world is not about the big bad white man who had slaves, when in fact the entire GLOBE of all races owned slaves of another and even their own. African has slaves today, China still have slaves, Mexico have slaves, just not in chains. But make no mistake, they are owned.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
greyfur 2 points 5 days ago.

I used to read a lit of Science Fiction as a kid, and there was one, think it was Heinlein that wrote it, can’t remember the title, but they colonized Ganymede, and actually made an atmosphere for it. Was what they called ‘hard’ Science Fiction, where the Tech was actually based on real science.

Was a pretty good book, though a bit dated at this point in time. I would highly recommend his books to any kid that was growing up that liked Science Fiction though. He had a lot of them, also Greg Bear.

I doubt that you would find much use for most of the seed banks (they are pretty extensive) which are vaults and well protected anywhere out in space where we might get to. Best we might hope for is to build some sort of orbital type thing based on a Ringworld type construct, but enclosed and much smaller.

We could, given time, make it long enough and wide enough that we could simulate sunshine, and even allow for rain. Transport enough soil up to grow limited crops, probably for the most part that would be hydrophonic (sp?), but you would also be able to bring a small amount of cattle for milk, food, pig, sheep, chickens, and so on.

Only a limited amount of people, actually, for the given resources, but still, it would take time to build. It could actually be done rather fast, I’m sure there are actually plans for something similar to this out there, just never done, so they probably already have the basics to work with. You would be amazed at how fast something can get done if they wanted to get it done…

random000 1 points 5 days ago.

Right on. I do believe that’s Sky Farmer or Farmer In The Sky. Will have to look into Mr. Bear ㋡

The Crow (2024)
Arcangel2020 0 points 1 month ago.

I have seen an advance screening..and let’s just say this, if you’ve never seen the 90ies era original version (with Brandon Lee and a MOST excellent Soundtrack)? Meh, maybe you will be entertained and think it’s “Original”. If you are a fan of the original? Well, this one belongs in the (Garbage) Dumpster Bin with the other remade Classics (Roadhouse, Pointe Break, Red Dawn, Poltergeist, The Longest Yard, The Fog etc, etc..)

michaelmyers 2 points 5 days ago.

HALLOWEEN!’’’’’ as well f these remakes red dawn ‘’’ also its called writers block ! no one can come up with anything good anymore ! 80’s -90 ‘s done it best ! prove me wrong and ill and ill send u a copy of a blank VHS ‘’! HA HA HA HA !

The Watchers (2024)
Akrimaya 2 points 5 days ago.

This movie was so bad M. Night Shyamalan didn’t even make a cameo in it. Thank god for fast forwarding!

Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 2 points 5 days ago.

Pretty sure you nailed it. There’s also Mars, but am tired of all the Mars stuff, so just skipped over it. Someone somewhere probably has their off-planet go-pack. Likely a big go-pack that includes a list of people they think will benefit themselves, as well as seed banks, energy sourcing, and what not - but that’s of little interest to those who get to stay and go splat. Poor old moon really isn’t a moon though. Too big. It’s really a binary to us, so it may assume Earth’s orbit if it too isn’t destroyed or thrown out of orbit as a wanderer.

greyfur 2 points 5 days ago.

I used to read a lit of Science Fiction as a kid, and there was one, think it was Heinlein that wrote it, can’t remember the title, but they colonized Ganymede, and actually made an atmosphere for it. Was what they called ‘hard’ Science Fiction, where the Tech was actually based on real science.

Was a pretty good book, though a bit dated at this point in time. I would highly recommend his books to any kid that was growing up that liked Science Fiction though. He had a lot of them, also Greg Bear.

I doubt that you would find much use for most of the seed banks (they are pretty extensive) which are vaults and well protected anywhere out in space where we might get to. Best we might hope for is to build some sort of orbital type thing based on a Ringworld type construct, but enclosed and much smaller.

We could, given time, make it long enough and wide enough that we could simulate sunshine, and even allow for rain. Transport enough soil up to grow limited crops, probably for the most part that would be hydrophonic (sp?), but you would also be able to bring a small amount of cattle for milk, food, pig, sheep, chickens, and so on.

Only a limited amount of people, actually, for the given resources, but still, it would take time to build. It could actually be done rather fast, I’m sure there are actually plans for something similar to this out there, just never done, so they probably already have the basics to work with. You would be amazed at how fast something can get done if they wanted to get it done…

Being Frank (2019)
Birdsforme 2 points 5 days ago.

Never saw this before. Mostly funny, verging on silly with some serious scenes. I liked it.