finigan1's comments

Doom Patrol (2019) S3 E3
finigan1 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The dead kid detective agency is actually in the works, another spin off. I just hope Dorothy is a part of it, or she comes back to the doom patrol. She is such a wonderful character, and such an amazing actress playing her. She is as good as any other actor on the show, and she is like what, 12.

The Umbrella Academy (2019)
finigan1 7 points 5 years ago.

Thought I would give this a couple episodes and ended up binging it in 2 days.Good acting good music and good story. It is well worth the watch IMO.Looking forward to next season.

Marvel's The Punisher (2017)
finigan1 8 points 5 years ago.

Ended, are you shitting me? I just finished season 2 and it was insane, and they went and cancelled it. I wonder how many netflix idiots it took to come up with that really moronic decision.

Hanna (2019)
finigan1 9 points 5 years ago.

An instant fave first episode. I suggest you watch the original movie Hanna with Saoirse Ronin first though if you haven’t, it is a good movie. Right from the start it begins the ride and follows the beginning of the movie closely with some alterations. Give it a watch, I really don’t think you will be disappointed ,it is a good show! I rarely say that or fave something the first episode. You will see what I mean.

You Are Here: A Come From Away Story (2018)
finigan1 5 points 5 years ago.

Thank you uploaders for putting this up so fast, I couldn’t find it anywhere. A very moving documentary that is sure to make you tear up in both a happy and sad way. When the rest of the world thinks everything has gone to shit, wonderful people make sure it hasn’t for everyone,they almost doubled the population of the town with people from all over the world.This is a must watch, and it really gives me hope, I hope it does the same for you.And no it is not the musical.

Birds of Prey (2020)
finigan1 8 points 4 years ago.

Well reviews mean nothing here, most say it sucked but to me this is probably the best DC movie to date, the funnest anyway.This is great compared to suicide squad, lots of action,no cheesy will smith or jared leto to mess up good characters.And Mary as huntress is the perfect fit to me. A 4/5 puddins.

Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019)
finigan1 7 points 4 years ago*.

Five minutes in and the video is great for a cam, but the audio sucks royally,can barely make out what they are saying with the swirling sound, I would wait for at least a better cam copy.

Loki (2021) S1 E2
finigan1 3 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They actually give away who she is in the end credits. The spanish cast credits call her Sylvie. As in Sylvie Lushton, the second enchantress. Amora was the original. So it would seem I was right. Not lady Loki. She is the enchantress.

The Protector (2018)
was1069 1 points 5 years ago*.

Well it is not in english… So much for watching this or even seeing if it is worth watching.
And has not captions/subtitles

finigan1 5 points 5 years ago.

report any link that doesn’t have english dubs or subs with report broken, make sure to say why, it is hard to watch something when you don’t understand what they are saying

Paul (2011)
Canuckian 0 points 4 years ago.

I don’t know why they brought back that comment voting system in the first place anyways…there were a TON of trolls downvoting everyone on the old PW and a LOT of people were pissed off about it…personally, i think they should have not brought it back at all..just gives the trolls a tool to use to get some people riled up. Should go to forums and suggestions and take a census on how many people really want the voting system for comments…personally i see no need for it. That is my two cents anyways.

finigan1 5 points 4 years ago*.

On the old primewire they had a lot of people mad that they were constantly being down voted for a helpful comment so eventually they got rid of the downvote and made it so you can only upvote a comment if you thought it was good, and you wouldn’t believe how many trolls came into chat asking “Wheres my useless button?” I wish they would do the same here,it would be a hell of a lot better for everyone.They did the same thing with karma, people were being downvoted to the point where they where being muted,so they changed it to kudos so no one could downvote there as well.Maybe someone should start a petition in the forums to get rid of it like they did there.

Paul (2011)
Odie -1 points 4 years ago.

Probably down voted cause this conversation has nothing to do with the movie. Use your PM’s for a conversation not the comment section

finigan1 5 points 4 years ago.

So posting a comment about the comment section in the comment section is wrong?That is kinda ironic don’t ya think?How else can people say anything about their dislike of some of the features of it.PMing won’t do no good but maybe if enough users comment in the comment section they might do something about it.And I agree,that they should get rid of the downvote all together like they did on the old primewire for the exact same reason.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1984)
finigan1 4 points 5 years ago.

Absolutely love this show.Brings back great memories of my Mom and I. Every saturday night we would get some popcorn and chips and watch it together.Sadly Jeremy Brett (who is by far the best Holmes ever in my opinion) passed away from cancer to young, as did my Mom, but this show and a few others like early edition and road to avonlea makes it seem like she is still there besides me when ever I watch them.Thank you uploaders , this show really means a lot to me.

Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler (2019)
finigan1 4 points 4 years ago*.

Two episodes in and it is really good so far,kind of reminds me of agent carter in a way,but more serious (which should have never been cancelled) I guess it is just the time period,and the tunes they play now and again,definitely worth your pennyworth.

Ghosts (2019)
finigan1 4 points 5 years ago.

Fun new show from the crew who did horrible histories and yonderland.

Hanna (2019)
finigan1 4 points 5 years ago*.

Someone doesn’t like the fact that I like this show for some reason,I had more points then this for my like and enthusiasm for the show before it even was finalized. I wonder if it is a troll who can down vote anything they want even though it is a good comment and can have it removed completely.The vote should only go up,giving trolls the power to nullify every comment is not very wise. If someone wants to up a comment then great,but they shouldn’t be able to down vote, a mod or 2 seems appropriate with things that should not be said.Leaving things like this is really not very good for the users, and begets what you see on the comments for captain marvel! It is no different then karma, which didn’t work either.

Captain Marvel (2019)
finigan1 4 points 5 years ago.

PS. The tribute to Stan is awesome and this is likely his last cameo, loved it.To Stan the Man Lee. The real first Avenger and the greatest super hero of all time, PERIOD! EXCELSIOR!

Doom Patrol (2019)
finigan1 4 points 5 years ago.

Most definitely more mature then any other super hero show, the nudity, swearing and violence is actually quite refreshing to me. Really liking it 3 episodes in.It doesn’t take things to serious and at the same time it doesn’t hold anything back.Under those circumstances I would be swearing constantly also, not that I don’t anyways.And a couple of bobs here and there has never hurt anyone. I was poked in the eye once, but I really didn’t mind. And violence is in everything, so there is that. Over all really enjoying it so far, looking forward to more.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
finigan1 3 points 4 years ago.

O,K,K,K! Bigots, Racists and Homophobes on just about every comment for every show that airs now. Your ignorance and hatred for anything that doesn’t fit into your tiny little self righteous worlds is truly fucking pathetic.With that said, ‘and we were all thinking it’,its a good show so far,can’t really judge it though with just the first episode,so I will get back to you when a few more air.

The Musketeers (2014)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago*.

Great show, they could have went on for many more seasons. At least they gave it a proper ending and didn’t just cancel it. Capaldi went on to be doctor who when he left this, that is likely why he did.And Mark Warren is always cool. I would definitely recommend you give it a watch if you haven’t already it is a lot of fun, and it is by far the best adaption of the book I have ever seen. 5/5.

The Company of Wolves (1985)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago.

This is a great movie, a different and very well done version of an old story. A real classic to me. Watch it, you won’t be disappointed.

Halloween Kills (2021)
finigan1 3 points 2 years ago*.

Your typical horror movie, everyone does the stupidest things you can do in the situation, and when they can finally end it, they talk or just stand around until the inevitable happens. Just cut his head off already, I am pretty sure he can’t do anything without that.

Early Edition (1996)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago.

Great show, my mom loved it and got me into it, if you want something light hearted and whimsical then this is the show for you, 5/5. It will make you actually like the news.

Harold and Maude (1971)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago.

One of my favorite movies, I think the description is to long and may put some people off, it is a great movie though, great story and a great soundtrack.Not at all my kind of movie but I loved it, Maude is my hero.Just need some links for you to watch.

Perry Mason (1957)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago.

Who can we get on the case? calling Perry Mason .Great show one of my Bro’s favorites and mine as well after he got me into it.

Absentia (2017)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago.

If you like a good mystery with some really messed up twists and turns you will definitely like this,it leaves you wondering wtf is going on for the most part which is rare. Gonna wait until there is more episodes for season 2 before I start watching it, it is the kind of show that is worth waiting for. Give the first episode of season one a try and you will see what I mean, I predict that you will likely be hooked with just the first episode.

The Birch (2019)
finigan1 3 points 4 years ago.

This is actually pretty good 5 episodes in,wasn’t expecting much from facebook but it’s worth a watch.

Primal (2019)
finigan1 3 points 4 years ago.

love it so far, Genndy is a master of telling a story with very little dialogue or in this case no dialogue at all. Fear, surprise, anger, etc all with just expressions.After coming back to finish Samurai Jack it is good to see him doing something new, and it is pretty graphic compared to anything else he has done which is a great thing.If you love a good story and awesome animation check it out.

Love, Death & Robots (2019)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago.

Warning, some of these story’s are x rated with full male and female nudity and some semi graphic sexual content in some of them as well,a lot of cursing and violence
also.With that said I am enjoying it half way through the series. It reminds me of heavy metal, Phillip K Dicks electric dreams and black mirror. They are all good story’s but some are better than others ,but they are all very different. So far I would recommend giving it a go if the above warning is not a problem for you, I am enjoying it.

The Secret of Crickley Hall (2012)
finigan1 3 points 4 years ago.

Great mini series,the way they go back and forth through time to explain things is pretty much flawless, the acting and directing is great and the story is excellent as well.Everything happens pretty fast with only three episodes so the mystery part is not really that much of a mystery.Otherwise a definite recommend, a 5/5, and a well deserved spot in my faves. I wasn’t expecting to like this as much as I did,one of those hidden gems no one has ever heard of that people sometimes talk about.

Serenity (2005)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago.

You have to watch the series Firefly before watching this to get the full picture,it is a cult classic and a must watch.

Ink (2009)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago*.

This is a true gem.For a low budget indie film it makes most main stream big budget movies look like crap. The story especially stands out as very unique and original, which is very hard to come by.I can only wonder what it would have been with an unlimited budget, but I think that is one of the charms that makes it stand out.The limitations forces the story telling to be front and center over everything else.Great movie and a perfect 5/5. It deserves a higher score then that just for being unlike anything else I have ever seen. Jamin Winans is a genius to be able to pull this off so well while working with next to nothing. A definite recommend.

Firefly (2002)
finigan1 3 points 5 years ago.

An instant cult classic, and the follow up movie serenity finalizes everything.A must watch to me.

Batwoman (2019)
finigan1 3 points 2 years ago.

I personally could not care less about batwoman what so ever no matter who is playing her. There is only one reason I watch this show , Alice. She is the only reason this show still exists. And I would personally love to see her get her own show on hbo max, like doom patrol and titans. She is the only part of the show that is not racially, sexually or politically motivated. Alice actually reminds me of Lucy, The Joker and Harley’s daughter. And creating a show that is focused on a villain instead of all the goody two shoe superlamos would be a very welcome change for me.

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
Bkr2110 -3 points 3 years ago*.

It is fashionable for citizens of the world to trash on America (even people of all skin colors, races and religions receiving huge subsidies we could use for our own people) and we are far from perfect. Yet it is America and Americans, these self-centered folks you despise and would like to forget exist, who consistently rank as the most generous and charitable people in the world. Where else do you hear of something such as an American dream? Where else do people try to break-in in such large numbers risking their lives to do so? Who would want to be around such horrible people?

Criticism is fine and when Americans criticize their own country it is absolutely patriotic as well but it would be nice if citizens of the world would thank America and Americans more often for their generosity and big heart. Canada, a nice place with nice people, a place I wouldn’t mind living, doesn’t crack the top 5 in generosity by the way.

Your present leader, Trudeau, who has worn blackface before, doesn’t come across as racially insensitive in other ways but there are reports of corruption and abuse like anywhere else. As you know, he created a job losing economy right away with his brilliant ideas. Canada was in the hole while we and much of the world prospered before this mess. We welcomed Canadians with open arms as they sought a better life in this land that is always run by “morons” when their brilliant leaders couldn’t provide enough for them. Personally, I have been all over the world and there is no place I would rather be. Hopefully, everyone else on here is equally as happy where they are as well regardless of who gets in politically.

America is absolutely great despite its shortcomings in my opinion. Canada has elected plenty of morons themselves. What does that say about them and their nation as a whole? Not much. Canada is still great. We are not our weakest link nor are they. We fall victim to clever marketing and false promises like everyone else. Were the Germans all racist morons for electing Hitler? Of course not. With all due respect, you are using the same moral superiority hubris nonsense logic as the Reich. ie Canadians are smarter and better at their genetic core. The scary fact is it could have happened anywhere under the right conditions and historical context. I don’t judge other nations by their politicians nor do most people of any sophistication and that’s great.

finigan1 3 points 3 years ago.

I would never say Canada is perfect, far from it. But there is a very big difference between the 2 countries. First of all, you don’t have to worry about being gunned down by pretty much everyone in Canada. You won’t loose your house if someone in your family gets sick, and racist and truly bigoted people will never get into office. There are as many dislikable people everywhere for ratio as anywhere else, but americans flaunt it, it is like a badge of honor to be hubris, self centered, racist and bigoted. Not all americans of course, but the picture they created for themselves is of nothing I would ever want anything to do with.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
rick ives -6 points 4 years ago.

have you made any great movies to show us or written and directed any block busters…

finigan1 3 points 4 years ago.

No I haven’t, and neither has abrahms for many years!

The Mandalorian (2019)
finigan1 3 points 4 years ago.

This is brilliant,so much so that I had to binge it again after just finishing it.I have yet to see a single bad review,which is pretty much impossible these days with all the haters and trolls.What I and a hundred million other fans are looking forward to the most is what is yoda? what is his species? what planet is he from? We might just find out after 40 years of wondering. Thank you Master Favreau, the force is strong with you.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
finigan1 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Really good ts version, its almost dvd quality.I have to say its not the greatest movie but I enjoyed it a lot more than the first 2 movies.The biggest grief I have is the clumsy light saber duels,they definitely needed a better choreographer.The story is good to but lacked proper direction,abrahms needs to go back to writing and direction 101,it could have been played out so much better than it is.Worth a watch though,just don’t expect anything special.

Shadow (2018)
McShagan -2 points 4 years ago.

Crack or no Robophony your crazy behavior has not gone unnoticed up top and with the people you threaten in back channels when you perceive a slight. Have you noticed that my statement has gone from -3 to +1. Go back to staying out of chat like you did in the goodold days and just spam people mailboxes as Armeek and everyone will be better off.

finigan1 2 points 4 years ago*.

Well said Shaggy, the constant pm’s from robophone every time I say anything he doesn’t like has made me leave chat and I wouldn’t be commenting about this if not for you getting the same bullshit!I am always drunk and high, pm after pm all the same,buddy thinks he owns the place, everything has to be the way he wants it or he gets derogatory.I have a few simple words for him. GO FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE! We are screwed if they actually ever make him a mod.PS thanks for the recommend,I will be checking this movie out in the near future.

Carnival Row (2019)
finigan1 2 points 4 years ago.


Paul (2011)
McShagan 1 points 4 years ago.

I asked that a name be associated with every up or down vote but apparently it made to much sense and I was shut down.

finigan1 2 points 4 years ago.

When they first brought the voting system here I told them straight out that the downvote would become a problem, they said it would be fine,apparently,as I thought it would, with how many people who are pissed about it that it’s not at all fine.

What We Do in the Shadows (2019)
finigan1 2 points 5 years ago.

Pretty good start, very cheesy but in a good way. It certainly has potential so I will just have to wait and see where it goes.

28 Days Later (2003)
finigan1 2 points 3 years ago.

This is not a zombie movie although many take it as one, they have rage which is a super strain of rabies. A really good movie with Cillian Murphy, the first thing I ever saw him in really, same as Jeremy Renner in the sequel 28 weeks later. They are both well worth the watch, just please don’t call them zombie movies, they are not freaking zombie movies people, pay attention.

Captain Marvel (2019)
[removed by a moderator]
finigan1 1 points 5 years ago.

Your logic is flawed. If I was to boycott every actor and musician that I didn’t like for there beliefs in politics, religion, race and sexuality, there wouldn’t be much left to watch or listen to, to say the least.And the old white guys thing of all the things you could be offended by is quite petty. It must have struck a serious note personally for you,and with my experience with being a semi old white dude myself, you would not be so offended unless what she is saying is true.Which it pretty much is.Don’t want to watch it fine, but these bullshit comments constantly are getting very much like old ignorant white dudes who have to control everything and get pissed off when they can’t. Stale and bigoted.

Z Nation (2014)
finigan1 2 points 5 years ago.

Series finale on friday and I already miss it. It did have a great run, and was a hell of a lot of fun. They are talking about a prequel though,already planned from what I have read.Nothing will ever be Z nation though. And if anyone asks, we were never anywhere near Z Nation.

The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
finigan1 2 points 5 years ago.

A tragic story about a DMCA pirate who was more robin hood then anything else. Dmca has become a plague of sorts, what you can and cannot do,what you can know and what you cannot know.So much information that could change the world and save peoples lives,hidden away unless you pay a hefty price for it. The information he leaked was not wiki leaks, movies or anything of that sort,it was medical,scientific,etc, written by some of the best minds on the planet that could very well change the world.The freedom of information is a joke, when someone has the solution to a really big problem, but it is all suppressed because people want their money first.If only those idiots would realize that that information given freely may save their selves or someone they love one day. In the spirit of Aaron Swartz I have to say ,all you billionaire copyright company’s and organizations that only care about the bottom line, can go fuck yourselves!And they will be when the information they didn’t share , ends up biting them in the ass.

Raising Dion (2019)
Charly (1968)
finigan1 2 points 5 years ago.

Flowers for Algernon is a good book, was forced to read it as a kid in school, and I am glad I did. This like any other story is not as good as the book. Cliff Robertson does give a really good performance though, but likely a disappointment for any one who is a fan of the book.I am mixed because I liked them both. Hard to say anything else without giving things away to anyone who has no clue who Algernon or Charlie is.A 5/5.And a shout out to a classic romantic tragedy that was 5 years before my time.

Loki (2021) S1 E5
mtntopmike 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

the question I have is how did Mobius end up in Lokiland? Did he get on the wrong tram train?

finigan1 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The glowy sticks of death they carry around don’t actually kill you. They send you to the end of time. And a big, really giant rage monster that is not The Hulk.

Metropolis (1927)
finigan1 2 points 5 years ago.

One of the first sci fi movies ever made and a true classic. If I remember right Georges Mellies is the only other film maker to put out sci fi and fantasy before this. A definite keeper.

3Below: Tales of Arcadia (2018)
finigan1 2 points 5 years ago.

This is a continuation of Guillermo Del Toro’s Trollhunters Tales of Arcadia,so if you haven’t watched the first two seasons of Trollhunters then don’t start this yet.And as Toby would say”AWESOME SAUCE!” I really enjoyed Trollhunters,some cool characters, especially Gnome Chompsky and Not Enrique.Glad that the last season of Trollhunters is not all there is,even if they take it in another direction.