The Rookie (2018) S3 E5
booger 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I was so hoping that this ep. would go the other way, and Stanton would prove to be a good guy, but alas, he was a bad one.
For some reason, folks seem to forget that cops are just normal people, with normal people problems.
Despite the medias portrayal of L.E.O. deaths being mostly in the line of duty, a major cause of L.E.O. deaths is still, and will remain to be, suicide.
Report the bad ones to help get them off the street and just as importantly, Support the good ones, they deserve your appreciation.

Julianna 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree 100%. Very very sad state of affairs for our LEOs. I have a few friends in law enforcement and it is extremely scary out there for them. I pray for them. I respect them immensely and am glad they are there for us. Makes me angry there are those that abuse our trust and all of that power.