greyfur's comments

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
YgraineDance 6 points 1 year ago.

Wow this looks like it’s gonna be a real ride! The first episode is fast-paced and keeps you guessing right from jump. I’m very glad to see Kiefer Sutherland in a series again; he brings his patented I’m-in-a-pressure-cooker appeal once again, in this tale of corporate hijinks (which apparently run very deep here) - and we aren’t sure just what is on the level. On any level.

Though not your run of the mill show, I’m feeling vibes of “The Capture” as well as a little bit of “Scandal”, “Eagle Eye”, and “Leverage” - only darker. A special shout-out to the music, which caught my ear right away, with its unusual and evocative tones during various scenes. It’s quite effective. I’m looking forward to more of this show; hope they keep up with the surprises and twists.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

just checked ‘eagle eye’, and remembered it. was a really good flick, non stop action all the way through. another good one is the ‘source code’if you ever get to check it out. not quite as much action, though there is a good amount, but you really want to pay attention to this one, it gets complicated.

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
YgraineDance 6 points 1 year ago.

Wow this looks like it’s gonna be a real ride! The first episode is fast-paced and keeps you guessing right from jump. I’m very glad to see Kiefer Sutherland in a series again; he brings his patented I’m-in-a-pressure-cooker appeal once again, in this tale of corporate hijinks (which apparently run very deep here) - and we aren’t sure just what is on the level. On any level.

Though not your run of the mill show, I’m feeling vibes of “The Capture” as well as a little bit of “Scandal”, “Eagle Eye”, and “Leverage” - only darker. A special shout-out to the music, which caught my ear right away, with its unusual and evocative tones during various scenes. It’s quite effective. I’m looking forward to more of this show; hope they keep up with the surprises and twists.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

you are in for a great ride if you are just getting started, k.s. did a great job in this, as he always does. i was really happy to stumble across this, and more or less binged it over a couple days. really hope they do another season, they left it in a great spot for that, which is all i will say.

never heard of egale eye, but did watch the others that you mentioned. you and i tend to generally like the same stuff, so i’m gonna go and look that up now.

i have been going over some of the stuff i have had on my ‘backlog’ of stuff ‘to watch’ that i have not been able to get around to as i was busy with other things, but since the healing process is kinda slow, i figure i might as well just kill a bit of time and watch a few things i have had backlogged.

keep watching this. it only gets better, and k.s. really can…oh, art, shut up before you have to make this a spoiler..🤣

Stargate Origins: Catherine (2018)
Alien 3 points 1 year ago.

Not it!

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.


Stargate Origins: Catherine (2018)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

i remember when this first came out, or maybe i should say when i first saw it, it was in very small segments, so i never bothered with it. just couldn’t get into the idea of watching something at a few minutes at a time, then moving to the next section, and so on…

anyway, was a great movie now that it’s all strung together, and well worth watching, though there were some rather sad parts there at the end. one thing though, and i have, to the best of my knowledge, watched every episode of every stargate series that has been made, and i’m pretty sure i have covered all of the movies as well, but at the end, the ‘goddess’ that was brainwiping miss langford instructed her to put together a team to come back at a future date and get rid of ra.

i can’t remember any stargate team with a carol langford leading it, or even being on it for that matter. i know, it’s a movie, and as my buddy charley would say, ‘it weren’t in the script’🤣

i would think they might have had someone play a really young mother of like amanda tapping or something, as captain carters mom, which would have been pretty cool actually.

sorry about all the lower case, right arm is still healing, can’t get it up to the laptop just yet, but will get there eventually. really glad though to see the site is getting back to normal though. hope someone that did all the hard work sees this comment, and knows that all that work is really appreciated…

Rabbit Hole (2023)
greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

off to a great start, thinking this might be a really good series.

The Night Agent (2023)
greyfur 6 points 1 year ago.

well,finally finished the whole season, and they did a good job of telling the story from start to finish, as well as leaving it open for a lot of potential for another season, which i will be looking forward to.

was actually a reasonably decent watch all the way through, but that’s just my opinion, for what it’s worth.

The Night Agent (2023)
Piglet 5 points 1 year ago.

This new drama sounds like many others in the same genre. I shall give it a go and there are a lot of actors I’m not familiar with.

greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

i’m 7 episodes in now, and thinking it’s pretty decent.

John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

sorry about all the lower case, shoulder surgery, 1 handed for a bit. good cam copy, very watchable, and i expect this will go ever very well at the movie theatre’s as mr. reeves is extremely well liked by his fans, and people in general for his quiet kindness.

he has done a lot for people over the years, not just for those that he has worked with, but for total strangers, helping them out, just because they needed the help and because he could.

on account of that, i believe he is one of the most liked stars in hollywood, as he is very down to earth, and has never let all the money get to him or change him. man is just a decent person and likes to spend his money helping others.

if i had the cash to bet with, i would place a decent sized bet on this as going over very well at the box office.

The Night Agent (2023)
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

watched the first 4 episodes so far, and it’s not bad. seems like it’s worth watching to me at least….

Snowfall (2017) S6 E6
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

oh, crap…this is why you always where a vast…period, full stop. damn, did not see it coming like this.

Superman & Lois (2021) S3 E1
michaelmyers 2 points 1 year ago.

“It’s been a tough few weeks, as you might imagine, with everything going on with the show,” Elsass said in a new video recorded for a fan on Cameo. “It’s sad, it’s a real shame. I know that I was pumped for Season 3, for sure, but what are you going to do? Anyway, mental health is definitely 100-percent priority. It’s pinnacle. It’s got to take precedence. And mine has been … the last couple of years … it’s been rough.”

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

i see, the kids been having issues. sorry about the lower case, had shoulder surgery, one handed at the moment.

Superman & Lois (2021) S3 E1
ShinmenTakezo 1 points 1 year ago.

They did recast the son Jonathan.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

why did they do that?

John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)
Mayor of Kingstown (2021) S2 E10
NoelCoyotebleu 3 points 1 year ago.

Yes I realize that he is looking at his priorities from such serious injuries. Prayers up for him. that he recover completely.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago*.

i’ve never watched this, as i just never had the time, but it was recommended to me by someone on account of the guy that wrote the story, tailor sheridan,and everything the guy writes turns to gold.

recently had a shoulder surgery, reason for all lower case, down a hand, so might take the time now to give this a shot. have liked everything else i have seen by the guy, and have liked everything i have seen jeremy in as well.

he is a really good actor, and from what most people around him have said, he’s a pretty decent person as well. from what i read, he got hurt trying to keep one of his relatives, a nephew i think, from getting hurt from that machine that got him when it got out of control. he wound up taking a hit in the process.

with a little luck, he will make a full recovery, and they can give everybody another season of this show. i understand a lot of people really like it. that notwithstanding, i hope he bounces back 100 percent, and has himself a happy ending.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

well, finally got links, and got to watch this. copy was watchable, and for me at least, i thought it was well worth watching. never played the game or really got into the whole dungeons and dragons mythos, but have always liked pine and rodriguez, and they did great in this.

sorry about all the lower case, but stuck one handed for a while on account of a shoulder issue, might be a bit before i get my typing game back to normal…

Vegas Skyline (2012)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

checked the imdb, 3 out of 4 said it totally sucked, so will go with that.

Andromeda (2022)
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

I can imagine one-arming everything is very hard. Stay positive; one thing about living now is, medicine and tech can do a lot more for us now than in the past. Even though the shoulder sucks right now, you can look forward to a good outcome.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.


Andromeda (2022)
yellow_rose1 1 points 1 year ago.

I hope you have a speedy recovery. However If it’s the rotator cuff I hear it can take a while.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

is my understanding. told there will be 4 weeks of pt, 2x a week, with homework, and a lot of homework after that. no real idea how long it will take to get full use back. can’t really do much at the moment, but only had the surgery the 13th, so has not been long.

typing with one finger sucks though…is the cuff…

Homestead (2023)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago*.

put this on my ‘to watch’ list since i’m down for the count for a bit. checked the imdb and it only had one review, but that was a decent one, so figure why not…sadly there are no links at the moment, so will go ask for some.

Andromeda (2022)
YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

Thanks, Greyfur. This one slipped past me; I’ll watch since you recommend it. Hope that shoulder isn’t too bad for too long as it heals! (My bro just had a knee done and he is not a happy camper just now.) Praying for you.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

thanks. not really painful, just hard to sleep with the contraption they got me wearing, so finally started to take it off at night to sleep. only really hurts any when i’m laying down, but doubt that will be for very long.

will get the few stitches i got out on the 23rd, and will probably get out of this thing as well. won’t start pt until the 3rd of next month, which i need to get to, as the use of the arm is pretty limited at the moment.

thanks for the prayers, can use all of those i can get.

Andromeda (2022)
greyfur 5 points 1 year ago.

sorry about all lower case, just had a shoulder surgery, so using one hand at the moment…

just watched this little gem, found it at random, and it was some pretty good science fiction. decent acting, good story, great effects, a bit off the beaten path which i liked as well.

not very long, a bit over an hour, but if you have been missing a decent sci-fi watch for a while, this might scratch the itch if you give it a chance…

7 Deadly Sins (2019)
alexisbits 2 points 1 year ago.

I can’t believe a NEWS site is forbidden here. Grr, what happened?

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

They be like that with any outside link…

Infinite (2021)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Finally got around to watching this, just got bored all day and spent the day watching movies, stuck in the snowstorm. Was actually pretty darn good, worth the watch.

Justice League Extinction (2020)
biker_71 2 points 1 year ago.

the writer/director is working on something else, you’ll find him on twitter.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I gave up on Twitter a long time ago. So he gave up on the project? Too bad, seems like they had invested a lot into it.

Justice League Extinction (2020)
grasshopper rex 1 points 1 year ago.

All I could find on it was that it was a fan film that was cancelled because of the pandemic. No followup as of yet.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Ah, man, it was cancelled? I know it was a fan film, but it looked like it was going to be a pretty good one. Every now and again you wind up with one that is actually really decent. Too bad, that might have actually been decent. Thanks for looking into it.

Mad Heidi (2022)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Wound up trying to watch this, and I really don’t recommend it. You won’t get very far before you click that it is a total waste of your time….

Assassin Club (2023)
biker_71 2 points 1 year ago.

that’s the release date for Italy, the Ireland release is in March and the UK in April. can’t see there being a release available until then.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

AH! Well, then, that would explain it. Thank you for telling me that, thought it was out here, so guess I will just have to wait a bit longer for it then. Appreciate you alleviating my confusion!🤦

Assassin Club (2023)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Well, another one I can’t seem to find anyplace, but would really like to watch. Checked every site I have, and can find it nowhere. This came out a month ago, but no service has it apparently?

Could be that no one has simply bothered to kipe it from a theater, so maybe that’s it. But it would seem that the movie is out from the IMDb. If anyone has a place they know of though that I can go to though that’s a good site where I can watch this though I would appreciate it if they can let me know.

On a side bar though, to the people that work the site, good job by you guys trying to find work arounds to get the site back up and running again so we can watch right from here again. Been seeing what you guys have been doing with the new links, and have tried a few of them, and they have worked (some better then others, but they work), and it’s appreciated. Much better to just go from here and watch then going here to check the TV Guide and then go to another site to watch.

Might not get back to to former glory, be we can damn sure get pretty close. Good job by you guys.

Attack on Titan (2023)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Ahhhh, I thought this might be better from the way it started. Asylum, I know, I know, but sometimes you still find a jewel in a junkyard, and the graphics looked like they might have put a little effort into in. Then they went and shyte the bed on me…What can you do…🤦

Justice League Extinction (2020)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Anybody know if this can be found anywhere? Tried looking, IMDb said it was released in 2020, but can’t find it on any of my streaming sites, and I have a lot of them…

The Company You Keep (2023)
Julianna 2 points 1 year ago.

Right on!

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

I just watched the pilot, liked it, and have the second episode, going in for that now, think this is decent so far. Want to see how the second one pans out. Might actually be a good show, like it so far. Have seen far worse first episodes that turned out to be decent series.

The Company You Keep (2023)
Julianna 2 points 1 year ago.

Yes I think so! But time will tell. It always does lol

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Fair enough. What I always say, time will tell, will give it a shot then, we’ll see how it pans out. Good luck to us both then!🤞

The Company You Keep (2023)
Akrimay 4 points 1 year ago.

It has promise, and Milo. 😍

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

So, you think this is worth a shot?

True Lies (2023)
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Just watched the first episode for this, and it wasn’t all that bad actually. Has a bit of potential. first episode didn’t totally suck, wasn’t totally mind blowing either, but think it was worth giving a chance, couple episodes to see if it pans out to something.

Might be pretty good if given the chance, or not, won’t know without giving it a chance to find out…

neXt (2020)
Piglet 2 points 1 year ago.

I will put this on my list to watch. I think I must be one of the few who doesn’t have a smartphone, I have a flip phone, don’t have Alexia either. I’m hardly on my cellphone and can’t justify paying a small fortune for a phone I would hardly use. I do use my computer a lot and I don’t have cable either. But I know at some point I’ll have to get with the program. I keep thinking about the Terminator…….

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Was a decent show, but fair warning, you get left hanging…

Wolf Pack (2023)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Well, finally watched the first episode of this, has a little promise. Think I’ll watch another one later, see if it gets any better, won’t go just by the first one. Could be O.K., could suck, who knows, but learned not to judge by just one episode, unless it’s totally crap, and this was not quite that….

The Blacklist (2013)
booger 4 points 4 years ago.

I have always enjoyed James Spader as an actor and was eager to see this and now closing in on the end of the 7th season I am still a very big fan of this show.
With its novel (compared to most U.S. crime shows) approach to combating major crimes, some of which would be at home on that (ended) series ‘Fringe’, and the character growth of its actors, I think most people who are fans of crime, drama, action and anti-heroes will like this.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Well said. I, for one, have always been a sucker for a good anti-hero. And Red has always, in my alleged mind, been the best of the best. I have always felt that Red, and I doubt that this will turn out to be any kind of a spoiler, this is just my opinion, mind you, but have had this working theory that from the beginning he went into this when he was very young with the idea of doing what he is doing now, to take down major criminals once he got high enough up the food chain to have enough information to do it.

He had to do a lot of nasty things along the way to get there, certainly, but you can clearly see that he kept his humanity in the process. At least the parts that count, which is why people root for him. Even the task force likes him. That says something about the man, even though it’s a written character, he was written to be that.

Maybe that will come out to some extent in this last season, or maybe I’m totally wrong, and it will turn out to be something totally different, or maybe I’m partially right, who knows? Either way, it’s been a great ride.

Snowfall (2017)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Well, just watched the first 2 episodes. Man, if they are any indication, the last season is going to pack a serious wallop. I’m not even going to try in my head to figure out where what is going to go, not even a little bit. Not with this one. Nope. Too many way’s this can twist and turn on me to even hazard a guess, and thinking that’s probably one of the best things about this season, it’s going to keep everybody guessing.

Condor's Nest (2023)
YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago.

Hey, my dude, glad to offer some insight. I am a longtime lover of Ironside, way back to “Scanners” and “Visiting Hours.” but they just misused him this time. Arnold “The Mummy” Vosloo does what he can, but the story is weak and the actors you WANT to see front and center aren’t the ones you get. Kind of a letdown IMO.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Grief, I remember scanners from when that first came out! I was freakin’ 19 man! Holy smokes that goes back, just escaped N.J. a year before and was living in Clearwater Florida, workin’ 2 jobs, which I really didn’t need to do, but was trying to keep myself out of trouble, but was not far from the Clearwater Causeway, on Ft. Harrison. Was actually a couple rock chucks from the Scientology building.

Showing my advanced age I guess…but I also remember back then you could walk home from work (day job for me) with a tall boy in a brown wrapper, actually, think it might have been a .40, can’t really remember that far back accurately anymore, and could be drinking it, and as long as you were acting right, the cops wouldn’t bother you.

I had just enough time to walk home, get a little time to chill and get ready for the other job, was cleaning work on the inside of another building, easy work, about 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, and the occasional part time on a random Saturday. Was a nice extra check.

Bad thing was, you would get a nice, hard rain for about 2 minutes on the way home, and you could about set your watch by that, so there was this one place I would stop and duck into with my beer and light a smoke that had an awning, would wait it out. They were pretty cool about it, knew what I was doing, got used to me, and as soon as the rain stopped, I would wave and move on.

Kind of miss those days. I walked a lot better then, Sciatica was decades down the road, and weight gain was never on my mind,as between all the walking and working I did I burned so many calories it was never a consideration…

Glad to see you’re still up here and paying attention. We should chat sometime, I miss our talks.

The Nevers (2021) S1 E12
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Don’t lose heart just yet…MIGHT be a second season, might not be one, just is out on that at the moment. Saw your comment a while back, and did some digging, and looked at a lot of sources, and all of them said about the same thing, that the powers that be are considering one, and pretty much have a script and cast laid out for one, just have not yet decided if they are going to do it yet.

I myself think it would be a mistake to not do it, this was a really good period piece, and was a pretty good show overall. We’ll just have to wait and see, not going to hold my breath, but it would be a nice surprise…

Snowfall (2017)
biker_71 2 points 1 year ago.

buckle up it’s the last season.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Oh, yeah…I expect this will be a good one, with a lot of twists and turns, and stabbing in the back…and more then a few surprises.

Snowfall (2017)
Jhigh03 1 points 4 years ago.

This or Yellowstone. The two couldn,t be more different but both offer compelling storytelling and excellent acting. One episode a week is not enough now,lol

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

You’re right, the two couldn’t be more different, but both are pretty gripping if you give them a chance. I came close to blowing this off, but a friend told me to give it a chance, couple of episodes, and see what happened, and I gave it that, and what do you know, been with it ever since.

Now that Rex mentioned the writer of the series, or the books behind it, I’m going to go look the guy up and see what else might be out there by him, might be some untapped shows I have missed that are good as well. Or a movie maybe Walter Mosley he said the guy’s name was. I think that’s worth investigating.

Have to say, on the one hand, shame it’s the last season, but on the other, if they do it right, might be at least it will be one that they allowed to go full circle from start to finish, unlike so many that got off to a good start then they just killed it.

Really hate when that happens to a good show with a lot of potential, then they bring in another cooking or ‘reality’ or ‘housewives’ show, like we don’t have enough of those already..😖

Condor's Nest (2023)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Very little of fun here. I like Vosloo, Davison, and Ironside, but this film didn’t do much for their bodies of work. Ironside in particular was woefully underused. I’m accustomed to some major-league badassery from him! Not a lot of that here, and he looked pretty tired. And Davison, with the accent LOL no, just no. “Himmler” hammed it up well enough—-but frankly, he’d have been a lot more fun in one of those Zombie-Nazis-on-the-moon-and-with-sharks movies. Saban Films churns out grade-B and C movies kind of like Asylum does—-but Asylum stuff can at least be funny. Unfortunately, this picture was actually trying for some gravitas.

I stuck with this to the end, but it wasn’t easy.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Ahhh,that’s too bad. I was giving this a bit of consideration, actually, based on the fact that Ironside was in it, and always kind of liked him. Especially liked him in ‘V’, he did a great job in that. Trailer looked pretty good too, but then, they are supposed to, aren’t they?

Anyway, I just don’t have the time anymore to watch as much as I used to, and even though I have a bunch of stuff backed up movie wise, I’ll never watch all of it, should try and take some time here and there and cull most of it. Just keep the few I would actually like to get to at some point.

Going to take your word that this would not be worth the time, you have never led me wrong in the past, so trusting your judgment once again. Thanks for the heads up kiddo!😉

The Nevers (2021)
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Such a freaking shame, another show that had so much potential…

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E2
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, this was a great one. I can tell they are going to end this series, even though it only had three seasons with a bang. First 2 were pretty darn good so far.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
[removed by a moderator]
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Oh, outstanding man, thank you for that!

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E1
GeminiSaga 2 points 1 year ago.

Season 2’s writing was terrible.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

I kinda liked it, well, some of it, but at the same time I was having a bit of a jones for some decent Science Fiction. Any Science Fiction I think at that point, and that was just good enough to do it for me.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Already came out on a couple of my streaming sites, is pretty good, but gets cut off at the end before I can see any after the actual movie cam shots, like extras and such.

Might have to wait until there is something that’s not a cam copy out that will have that in it. I did like the movie though, but won’t say anything else, won’t wreck it for those that haven’t seen it. Was a good story line, and just enough action to keep your attention. Was surprised a bit by a few things the way they did it, but was also kinda cool at the same time, not complaining.

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E1
Birdsforme 6 points 1 year ago.

Hello, all you Picard fans, of which I am one. He will be back for season 3 this coming Thursday. (16th)

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Sad to see it’s the last season, but all god things have to come to an ending, but also glad to see that they will at least let this show come to a full completion, and tie up all of the loose ends.

I’m hoping that this will have really good writing, as so far it’s been pretty decent. Will really miss this show though when it’s over.

The Last of Us (2023) S1 E5
Alien 4 points 1 year ago.

The people down-voting this comment should be ashamed of themselves.
They don’t have one drop of empathy.

I might have missed it but I have not heard covid mentioned at all in this series.
The virus began with a fungus. The pandemic is a scary thing. I’m sure millions of people have new lifestyles now that include not being able to leave their homes except for when absolutely necessary, which includes me.
And I’m never without a mask.

That being said, so far, this is a beautiful story with many moments that break your heart. At least we can still feel something.

greyfur 0 points 1 year ago.

Ah. Way it was described was a fungus, yes, that was mutated from covid, or at least the people that I know that were talking about it. Could well be that they were mistaken in that. Some of them are known for talking a bit as they watch, so could be they missed something, or maybe read that into it?

I myself never bothered with a mask or ever changed anything I did any more then I actually had to, I always figured that when my time came, it would come, and not until then. Nothing can stop it when it does. I do feel bad for all of the people that were separated from family and friends and such when they got sick and were in the hospital though, and weren’t allowed to see them or spend time with them, even or especially at the end.

I always thought that that was very cruel and unnecessary. I have since then lost all respect for the medical profession, as it seems to me they have no empathy at all for the patients in their care or their families.